
Hey im in lots of pain because?

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my toe is infected i noe it sounds gross but ive tried everything from violeta remedy to carbonaded water from a safety pin to alcohol (rubbing) PLS PLS PLS PLS!!!!!!!! HELP!




  1. Try putting colloidal Silver 500ppm on it.  It is a natural anti-biotic and will kill just about everything.

  2. How long has it been infected?  If it's having that much difficulty healing than I suspect you've a potential larger health problem than an infected toe.  When was the last time you had your blood sugar checked?  If you're diabetic it's common for your feet to get infected and not heal right away or as quickly as you'd like to see them do. I suggest that if it's been infected for a week or more than go to a REGULAR Dr. and get checked out in general...You may be diabetic and not know it (that's pretty common...till you get a symptom like yours).  PEACE!

  3. the natural antibiotics that you should take internally would be garlic (raw least 3 or 4 cloves a day),  grapefruit seed extract and/or olive leaf extract. (use a tincture).all of these kill bacteria, viruses, fuguses, and protozoans and are found at the health food store. If one rubs garlic on the feet, for example, it will very soon be on the breath and visa versa showing how it goes throughout the body so consume it but it would burn to much to use on the toe directly so don't IMO

    also of help are colloidal silver and oil of oregano..flood our body with these and also apply the colloidal silver.

    I did a little searching and found these ideas too used clay with great success and saved from amputation this site says (they also have a message board)

    Go to the health food store and get some charcoal capsules. Empty some of the charcoal on a piece of dampened gauze and tape it over your toe, it will draw out the infection. (add this to the bentonite clay to draw the infection out)

    toenail fungus is a cause of infection and difficult to treat..these are recommended but you may need to do more searching on that, but I feel the things I first recommended would be effective (olive leaf, grapefruit seed extract, and fresh garlic --also colloidal silver/oil of oregano would be 2nd tier suggestions)

    - Common Vinegar- As some may now, vinegar is antiseptic. It can also work on a variety of infections including those caused by fungi. You can use apple cider or cane vinegar. You can apply this remedy without diluting it directly on the affected nail. An alternative would be to soak your nail on a basin with equal portions of vinegar and lukewarm water.

    be cautious of tea tree oil and dilute  

        - The Tea Tree Oil- This natural remedy is as popular as oil of oregano. It also has strong antifungal and antiseptic properties. It is in fact so strong that concentrated amounts of tea tree oil may cause skin irritation. You should therefore settle for a diluted preparation. Tea tree oil can be applied directly to the infected nail.

    - The Vicks Vapor Rub- This particular remedy isn't easy to explain. In fact, there are very few explanations on why Vicks can work well on nail fungus. It has been suggested that the natural components of Vicks Vapor Rub are possibly good toe nail fungus remedies.

    also might mention dr richard schulze formulas..he says this never fails but it burns a lot so I doubt if I would use on a tender area..he also makes this milder might want to read it and see what you think but maybe try other stuff first

  4. Alternate wrapping your toe in gauze soaked in tea tree oil, and take garlic capsules- 2 capsules, 3 times daily.

  5. If your toe is infected, the only way to really heal it is with an antibiotic. Try neosporin for now, but I would make an appointment with your doctor but, if its your toe nail thats infected then read this info

    Cure a Common Ingrown Toenail With a Foot Bath Home Remedy

    Although most foot care experts say that clipping toe nails straight across helps prevent in grown toenails, you may still fall victim to one anyway: it doesn’t mean you’re a bad person, it can happen to anyone. Shoes that don’t fit right can cause an ingrown nail, as can just being on your feet or walking a lot. If a nail is becoming ingrown, you’ll first notice that it’s feeling tender where the nail is pushing into the side of your skin. You may find yourself favoring that foot, or pressing your toe against the inside of your shoes.

    If you don’t catch it soon enough, the toe will become inflamed where the nail is digging into the soft skin of your toe. People who ignore their ingrown toenails end up having surgery, because things can get infected pretty fast. I saw a picture of a neglected toenail once, and I’ll never get the image out of my head.

    If you think you’re getting an ingrown toenail, soak your foot in hot water, and even add some lavender or tea tree oil to help soften the skin further. After you’ve given it a good soak, say twenty or thirty minutes, see if you can pull the embedded nail up on the corner, lifting it away from the skin. You can use a nail file for this delicate operation, just barely, slowly sliding it under the edge of the nail. Be careful that your hand doesn’t slip –the pain will be enormous. (I probably don’t have to tell you to be gentle –the agony in your toe will make you ever so careful!)

    Sometimes it takes more than one soaking to get the nail soft enough to lift from the skin. Especially if you have thin, sharp nails, they are more likely to bite into the sides of the toe. If you don’t succeed the first time, dry off your poor foot, dab on lavender or tea tree oil (they both have antiseptic and antibiotic properties) or some Neosporin, and try again tomorrow. In the mean time, stay off your foot as much as possible, and when you put your shoes on in the morning, first wrap your toe with a thick, soft bandage to cushion it.

    A newly ingrown toenail will usually concede de-feet (har-har) after three or four days of gently soaking and cautious prying. Once the nail lifts past the skin, trim the nail with a small pair of scissors, and if your toe’s not too sore, file it smooth. Now you will have a tender, pink channel in your toe where the nail once pressed. Keep it bandaged and clean. To prevent infection, apply antibiotics after bathing until your toe doesn’t hurt anymore.

    If the toenail is stubborn and you can’t get it out after several tries, hobble off to the doctor, who will put it to rights for you.

    Ingrown toenails are like ear infections: some people go their whole lives without having a single toenail upset, and others are plagued by then. Once you get one, it’s more likely to recur, so make sure you treat your feet nicely, buy good shoes that fit right, and pay attention to any toe pain that arises.

    I like to read the old books on how to be beautiful, and one important adage is to buy the most expensive shoes you can afford, even if your feet are strange sizes and your shoes have to be custom-made. It makes sense, considering the importance of foot health to daily life. Bad shoes can add corns and bunions even to young feet, and they affect your posture and back health. Not s**y topics, but prevention is everything when it comes to caring for your ten dancing toes!

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