
Hey is this true????????????

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Toothpaste gets rid of acne?




  1. myth

  2. yup are you going to school tomorrow cause i am!

    and i am going to use toothpaste to! lol :)  

  3. NAHHHH  

  4. sayit actually does

    because the susbstances in the toothpaste burn it down

    sorta like when you get burned on the stove or whatever.. you could apply toothpaste to cool it down

  5. Honestly,  every person is different.  I've had people tell me it works. It works for me, but not for my sister.  You'd just have to give it a shot.

    You could also go over to

    They've got a bunch of different things you can try if the toothpaste doesn't help.

  6. Eh, its sorta and old myth. In my opinion, its no different that all the new acne treatment. Good Luck!

  7. it's worked for me before, but it's definitely  no replacement for good skin care products.

  8. No, it doesn't work it actually makes it worse. My sister has bad acne from wearing lots of makeup that obviously can clog pores. She decided to use toothpaste and place it on the acne, with in a few days her face broke out worse than before, became red and really dry, it took atleast a month for her face to return to normal. I don't recommend it.

  9. i don't know about acne like if your face looks like pizza pie or a photo of pepporoni but real close like you are supposed to guess what it is and you guess it is jupiter or something, but then it zooms out, and then you realize that it is a cat's eye or something.  i put it on pimples every now and then it works, but it sort of makes you look like a vampire with gunk on your face because it is al lwhite.  good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... !!!!!!!

  10. yes you just got to dab it on the zit

    and keep it on the whole night

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