
Hey just wondering if anyone could help me in regards to this question.?

by  |  earlier

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my measurements from my ultrasound count back to the 24th of dec to me i think that's when she started growing by???

the doctors gave me a due date of the 24th of sep when i count back 40weeks from there it takes me to the 19th but i never had a period then i am pretty sure last one was on the 2nd of december but midwife's are trying to say i am only 36 weeks when they measure my fundel height i am 38cm...which is ment to equal to 38weeks

on the 22nd i bleed for two days then the measurements were taken i don't no when i am due or if i conceived then.

if i conceived in jan would the measurement's be taken from there??




  1. It all becomes very confusing as soon as you have any measurements taken!  I am only a small build and when I had my ultrasounds done I was always told I wasn't as far on as I had thought.  They do NOT take into account your size, the fathers size etc, they use an 'average size'.  Basically, your baby will come when he/she is ready.  The measurements they take are good if you have a 2nd or third ultrasound as they can then measure how well baby is growing etc.  Don't panic, even if you had all the EXACT dates this doesn't mean your baby will be born at that time.  Stop stressing, relax, take things easy and try to rest up as much as you can....won't be long and you'll have your hands full!  Good Luck!

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