
Hey ladies, would u accept such a proposal...?

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Would u if...? There is a man, a multi-billionaire who will offer u $1000 4 every pound u gain in a 6 month period starting September 1st and ending February 28th of next year.

The amount u earn $1000 per pound u gain will be paid in 1 lump some at the end of the 6 month period

U cannot tell anyone of the proposal/deal u made and u must go about ur life as usual. If anyone finds out about the $1000 per pound proposal the contract will become null & void and u will paid 0.

U may not weigh urself until the 28th of February.

U must gain a minimum of 50 lbs or the contract will become null & void and u will paid 0. (50 lbs. = $50,000 :oD guaranteed)

U must cohost Miss Hawaiian Tropics Tour when they go to Cancun in March.

Would u accept?

If not, why not?

If yes, how would u prepare urself knowing ur initial weigh in would b about 2 1/2 weeks away. how would u gain the weight and would there b a limit 2 the amount of weight u would want 2 gain. (Remember there is a minimum of 50 lbs. that u need 2 gain)




  1. that is retarded .

    What woman would want $50,000 at the risk of gaining 50 lbs??? that is only if the retarded woman was 50 lbs, and gained 50 lbs, so therefore bringing her up to at least normal weight!

    It will cost you about $50K to get your self back to your normal weight and shape after all the damage done to your body. Stretch marks, cellulite, fatty cells, etc..

    Good luck

  2. why would you ask that??

  3. No, that's stupid. I value my health way more than that.

  4. Why would you ask a stupid question like that.  Are you stupid.  Us woman care about our figure and some rich jerk would never change that!  Just leave us alone and go back to your pathetic life.  LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  5. I would -- But for one reason only, I NEED THE WEIGHT i do not care about the money, but I weigh 72.7lbs  if i gained 50 I wouldn't be scrawny, and bone-y!

    I need...  45 POUNDS, and thats it, Actualy, one little girl tapped my back and said, YOU NEED A BURGER!!! :-o  


  6. 50 pounds??? minimum??? are you nuts?

    i agree with the first person who answered the question. we women care about how we look, not only for us, but for the people we want to look good for.

    that, plus we do care about our HEALTH!!!

    it's like asking "do you, ladies, want flabby arms and thighs, weak stamina, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, weak heart, arthritis, diabetes, and among other diseases associated with obesity, in exchange for easy money?"....

    we can earn the money in other ways --- realistic, legal, sane, healthy. s***w the easy money. s***w your stupid question.

  7. k, i'll play :oP

    i agree with the others but, its only a question, eh?

    okey doke, i'd spend the next 2 1/2 weeks cleaning my system. i'm currently 105, i'd control my diet and workout, a lot of cardio and get maybe down 2 100 or maybe even 95lbs. So when i way in i'd be under 100lbs. k, from that point on i would do weight training, muscle is heavier then fat, right? I'd bulk up, and I should b able to add 25 2 30 pounds of muscle? The last month i would then also carbo load 2 get the extra 20 2 25 lbs. there that would do it, k? pay me :o)

    i'm just stupid like that :oP

    i once got a similar proposition, 3 girls and i got $1000 each for one evening of this guy watching us eat. :o)

    btw this question is stupid crazy

  8. c**p no! i wouldn't gain 50 pounds for that c**p.. ur insane.  

  9. umm thats kinda sick i wouldnt do it cuz im already kind achubby but 50,000 is a lot of money.....

  10. No because the money I would be getting paid would basically go to getting a freaking personal trainer at the end of 6 months and or maybe getting lazer treatment for the new stretchmarks!!!!!

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