
Hey ladies, would you marry a truck driver?

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Reason asking is because I am going to go to truck driving school in a couple of weeks, and after I start driving I am going to try to buy a home. I am already single, and I have no kids so this should work out pretty good. Don't get me wrong this is not a personal ad, I am not going to list my phone number in this question. I was just wanting your oppinion on how many ladies would be willing to marry a truck driver.




  1. I would only marry a truck driver if he could drive around during the day and be home with me at night. None of that leaving me for a week or more stuff. If my marriage left me feeling lonely and abandoned, what would be the point?  

  2. if i loved him...

    i married someone in the military - he's gone often, it doesnt change how i love him.

  3. well, honestly i would be hesitant.  truck drivers arent home very much.  id want to be able to see my husband.  and what if we had kids.  it would not be good if their father was always out on the road.  

  4. my fiance has his CDL and did local driving and was home every night.  the only part i didnt like is seeing him soo wore out.. he worked his butt off and just seemed miserable when he came home..  i did rejuvinate him though...HAHA  the pay was good but the company he worked for was a c**p hole.. the good thing about having a CDL is you can always fall  back on it if you want. right now he is not doing it, but knows that he can go back to it when he wants..  doing over the road wouldnt be my cup of tea, but if it made him happy, then i would support him on it.. i feel when you love someone, you should encourage and support them with what they love to do..  my suggestion to you is finding someone who enjoys traveling (if you do ver the road work) then she can hop on board with ya. it could be fun.. i have a 4 year old and one on the way, so i couldnt do that, but i would if i didnt have children right  now..  just remember, when you go to the truck stops.. beware of "lot lizards" ya know the ones who wanna do you  "below the beltbuckle favors"  if you know what i mean.. dont get messed up with that.. i gather you are not like that, but you would be surprised at the men who get lonely and just do it just because.. anyways thats my tip for ya.. GOOD LUCK HUN

  5. my best guy friend his dad is a truck driver and he has been married for years. She missed him on the road but everything was taken care of back at home.

    In a way it's kinda cool my husband is in the military and it's cool how great things can be when you see each other after not seeing one another for awhile.

    I don't see why women would not.

  6. I imagine someone who loves that truck driver and is sure he will stay away from lot lizards and massage parlors on the highways

  7. No, because I would not like my husband traveling the country in a truck.  #1 It is too dangerous, #2 too much opportunity for cheating, #3 not enough time together.

  8. I would. I agree with what Betty M said. If you find someone who doesn't mind being alone while you're gone, ( I think there are plenty of them out there ),then no problem. I don't have a problem with that. When you get home, she'll be happy to see you.

  9. I know some truck drivers personally and they are well-mannered and fun to be with.

    It is good to know that you have set yourself a goal for yourself, like going to driving school and buying a home. Women want men who knows what they want in life. Men who know what they need to do for themselves and their families. So good luck.

  10. Of course, I would. What's wrong with a truck driver?

    Love that's what counts.  

  11. Yes, I would if I loved him.  I would also love to be a trucker too.  Maybe you can find a woman who will go on the road with you.  

    After our kids are out of the house my hubby and I plan on buying a truck and hitting the road.  

    Just remember that any woman you want to marry will have to be supportive of your job before you can have a happy marriage.  If she complains once before you marry, don't marry her.  Some women can just try to impress you and win you over then try to change you.  

  12. Id olny marry one if i was already with him and loved him.

    I wounldnt DATE a trucky though.

  13. There are women out there who marry men who are in the service and these men are gone for a year or more at a time. So there are women out there who would marry a truck driver.

    Of course there are women out there who just have to have their husband by their side at all times and can't deal with being alone. But these kind of women don't marry men who's jobs cause them to be a way from home.

    Don't worry, you will find an in dependant woman who won't mind that you don't have a job where you are able to come home every night.

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