
Hey ladies!! Have you ever..?

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Kicked a guy or man in his balls?? Oouuchh!!

1.- did he cry? scream?

2.- was it by self defense or an accident?

3.- what is your size of shoe? Is not the same size 10 that 7.. Uuuff




  1. No, no, no.

    The only way I would do that is if I was in danger... like if some guy was trying to abduct or rape me.

    Other than that, I don't think anything justifies such a low blow. That's just plain mean.

  2. hahahahahaha

    i luv this question

    my friend did and the guy was a teacher

    he didn't cry but he turned red

    it was 6 or 7 (shoe)


    ohh and it wasn't an accidant

    the teacher was like sespending him


    good times

  3. Yes haha he was bugging me..... So I kicked him and he fell to the ground. Self defense. And in womens I have like 5 or 5 1/2 size of shoe.

  4. yes

    1. both

    2. i did it to him cause he was a jerk/ or i didnt like him

    3. 8 or 9

  5. No I have not done that either! I also would only do that if it was self defense! I wouldn't want to be the person responsible for ruining the family jewels :)  

  6. When I was a kid I did, and he fell to the ground.  

  7. yes my older brother!

    he once actually asked me to kick him in the balls... (i have no idea why I think he likes it or something, maybe a fetish lol)

    so i said it was weird but it would

    so anyway i was wearing these tennis shoes (i'm a 7 & 1/2) and he spread his legs open so i kicked him as hard as i could in the nuts like 5 or 6 times..

    he dropped to the floor instantly and started crying and holding his balls

    lol he looked so funny! he just kept going "ooowwww my balls!! ow!"

    he couldnt get up for like 20 minutes

    i squashed his balls a bit with my toes just to tease him lol and he would go "ahhhh dont!"

    after he kept telling me his balls were swollen and they really ached badly haha

    i just told him he shouldnt have asked me then and its not my problem

    they were still sore the next day!

    who knows maybe i messed up his sperm lol

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