
Hey lebanese, how long will the current lebanse cabinet last?

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Hey lebanese, how long will the current lebanse cabinet last?




  1. The sabre rattling between Iran and the US won't help.  s**+'ites are engaged which is good.  Outside forces will dictate what happens though.  Summer season is the best since 2004, lets hope things hold together.

  2. just like what angelo said. lol. good to know were finally straightening things up right....

  3. 10 months exactly (until the 2009 elections)

  4. lasting is never a problem with politicians in Lebanon.

    It's getting them to go when their time is up, that's fun to watch.

  5. As long as Michel Aoun remains a God......

    enta Allah ya General!

    But seriously, it will last until 2009 and in 2009 Lebanese are going to pick an even better cabinet and the Ouwet (Kataeb/LF) are going to sweep the Christian vote........

    Someone said the Shiites are participating.....errr, well, 1 hezbollah minister keeps the SHiites marganilized ( just as Hezbollah wants them to be)

  6. Till the coming election that will take place in next May so approximately 10 months

  7. maybe several months.

    unstable politic in Lebanon.

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