
Hey man, do you think Nixon should be impeached? just tell it like it is man, lay it on me kay?

by Guest32700  |  earlier

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yeah man i agree, Nixons crook, man. hey im going to the d.c. protest, got room in my vw bus.

anyone wanna come along thats groovy with me man,.




  1. Makes as much sense as impeaching Bush. The Dems in Congress should be working on fixing problems like gas prices, food prices, etc. instead of fooling around wasting time on this. Bush will be out of there soon anyway. This will backfire with the voters. Watch it happen.

  2. Kind of hard to impeach a dead guy.

  3. nixon's sins were nothing compared to the presidents we've had since him. bush must laugh every time he thinks of watergate, because he violates the constitution everyday and records private citizens' conversations like they're going out of style! -*D*

  4. Hahahaha! You're hilarious...

  5. How old are you? Are you not up to date on you history?Dead man

  6. wanna go dig him up...I'd say he'll sit quietly through the procedings...He  won't answer yes or no, but

    who believes a politician anyway?  We will let you be judge,

    jury and executioner...if you can stand to be close enough to him to pass sentence!

  7. Nixon was a person that knew what was going on in this country.

    Powerful people and the fools that followed them made a grave error in doing what they did to him.

    they want a patsy that they can control not a strong stand up person running the country.

  8. He resigned.

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