
Hey moms~~how did you feel when your youngest went to school? ?

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My kids are no strangers to being around lots of kids socially. They have gone to daycare since they were infants. But now my youngest is starting school and I don't know what to do. I'm nervous about it and know she is too and I try to sound all pumped and say "oh kindergarten is SOOO much fun! You're going to love it!" but at the same time, I worry so much about her too.

How can I make this transition easier on her and also on myself?

Any kind words of encouragement moms?

Please and thank you!




  1. I'm going through the same thing now. I have to wait until Thursday to see if I'm going to be the Mom bawling in the hallway, lol.

    She is my oldest and didn't go to preschool or daycare or anything like that. I am super nervous & afraid that she sees through my encouragement. But if she has, she hasn't let on.

    I'm trying to keep as level-headed as possible and found talking to her teacher at the open house last week eased a lot of my anxiousness.

    I would suggest if you still have a time before school starts, or if her school is having an open house or anything like that to attend, and meet her teacher before hand, they'll be helpful and answer any questions you have. And if not, a phone call to her might help. They are experienced in dealing with the "first-time" jitters.

  2. I cried like a baby, but with three boys, I wasn't sure if it was separation anxiety from my baby boy leaving, or just the realization that for the next 14 years, I was going to have a full 5 hours where I could watch something on tv that wasn't animated, and actually hear undisturbed quiet that would last longer than 5 mins.  Its not easy, but this is definitely mom time.  After my last child left, that's when I started an exercise program that has lasted me 12 years.  I learned to scrapbook, because you know that you will be getting those cute little projects and you need a place to put them.  Miss your daughter, but now it's time to take care of you for a couple of hours.  Enjoy it.  As far as your daughter, I don't think I ever met a kid that didn't enjoy kindergarten, and making new friends.  

  3. I think a lot of moms think that the start of school symbolizes the disappearance of need for them.

    Sure, your child is gaining a little (very little) bit of independence, but they still need you! Trust me, you'll find a WHOLE new set of jobs now that your little one is in school. ..Helping them not over think the fight they had with their best friend of the minute, helping them understand peer pressure, homework, the works!

    I suggest you find something to do just for yourself while your child is away at school, if you can. If you've got some time to kill spend it doing something YOU like to do (for once). Go grab a coffee and read a magazine, paint your nails, whatever.

    When you've had a bit of a day yourself, you wont seem so desperate when they walk through the door (as opposed to practically tackling them because you've been sitting at the front door for hours waiting for them to hop off the school bus.).  Your casual interest will actually open them up a little more and allow them to feel comfortable talking about their day or their worries knowing you wont flip out over little stuff. The more they tell you, the more you'll know what their day is like and the less worried you'll be.

    As far as helping her transition: my best advice: Don't try too hard. If shes already a daycare-er, she'll be fine. Anything you do to try to make it bigger than it is could end up freaking her out.

    ps. Congrats on this mile stone in your little ones life! Trust me, its not so bad! =)

  4. how did I feel? Worried, happy, scared, excited, nervous , sad , terrified, relief

    she will do fine. Take her to the school before she starts and show her the playground. Let her play and get the feel of it. For yourself. Keep busy that day, catch up with friends for a coffee and plan something special for that first afternoon when she gets home to celebrate

  5. mom, you're going to have to let go sometime, and I guess your letting time is when your little goes to school! It does get easier, [when my youngest went he really went with his brother 11 months older than him], so mine really didn't go by himself, but I say to Johnny(my youngest), you're going to have so much fun, there will be alot of other kids for you to play with, and you'll see, when you come home you tell all about it ok>? That's all it took, when he came home, all he did do was talk, talk, but he was safe, happy, and I was to because I knewI did the right thing, and mom you're doing the right thing also, and you'll miss her the first couple 3 days, but mom it will get better for her and you!Just get ready for her to tell everything they did that day!

  6. Boy do I know how you feel.  Last year my youngest started kindergarten.  It was like a bereavement leave.  Gina is a type 1 diabetic and I was sick about it.  I was so relieved that it was only part-day school.  I needed that crutch while I transitioned her health and safety to the nurse and teachers.  As moms we know that our kids are in good hands with many others we choose, but no one gives care like us.  I was so worried that her symptoms would go unnoticed and she's suffer emergencies.  (A five year old diabetic isn't her own best advocate.)  She did great, she loves school.  Throughout the year I learned to trust the supervision and decisions of the school administrators, and I'm better prepared for the full day of my (now) first grader.

    I've got news for you... when my oldest started college it's a comparable bereavement!

  7. (((HUG)))  I know that must be hard for you!!!  Today was my kids first day of school.  I homeschooled my son for K and 1st grade, but discovered that was not for us, so today is his first full day of 2nd grade & my baby's first day of K.  I have done the same thing as you by telling them how much fun it's going to be & how many friends they'll make.  They have never been away from me much.  I even worked nights while their dad worked days so that I didn't have to send them to a sitter.  And I too am worried that they will miss me or that they will cry, but then I remind myself that it has to be done, I have to let go sometime, it's just part of life & the teachers are used to first timers & know how to handle it.  I haven't been able to quit crying since I sent them 1 1/2 hours ago yet though.  I sure hope it gets easier after a few days.  I'm sure it will.  I have been told to try to keep my mind off it & stay busy, but I am on crutches at the moment & am finding it hard to stay very busy.  Meeting the teacher ahead of time definitely helped ease my worries a bit & I hope you were able to do that.  As far as helping them, I guess try to stay positive & strong.  I know it's easier said than done because I'm trying to do the same thing!!  I can't wait to pick them up today & see how their first day went.    As far as how I feel sending my youngest to school today, it was just as sad w/ all 4 of my children, but I do feel a bit more sadness knowing my last baby is growing up.  I hope it goes/went well for you on your first day!!!  More hugs (((HUGS))) because I know how hard this is!!!  

    Here's a link to a similar question I just asked a few minutes ago!!;...

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