
Hey moms out there I have a dating question involving age?

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Hey I am in 9th grade and I started dating this dude in 10th grade when I was in 8th...he now is going into 11th and me 9th. Do you think he's too old for me right now? His birthday is very late in the year, and mine very we're about a year and a half apart. I want to see what you other moms think before I tell my mom. I may want to break up with him before I even tell her.....please let me know what you think out there moms. My mom still thinks I think boys are yah I feel sorta funny about this. Anyway, What if I was your daughter? What would you Please be honest....even if it is very harsh.




  1. I would say he's too old right now. Later on the age dif wont be an issue.

  2. First of all, stop leaving your Mom in the dark by telling her you think guys are icky. She deserves to know you are interested so she can be prepared. Second, it does not see like too big of an age difference. It sound worse to be an 8th grader(in middle school or junior high) with a 10th grader(in high school) than it sounds now that you are both in high school. Be honest with her, and if you are having s*x, which I hope you are not at your age, then you might want to have a frank talk with her about that too. It's better to be honest and get put on birth control now than to keep it a secret and end up pregnant. But honestly, you are way too young for s*x. My first time was with a boyfriend 2 grades higher and I was 15 and I wish so much that I had not given in and said yes. It's usually the older boyfriend who talks the younger girlfriend into doing it. Just wait on that part, if you haven't done it yet. Back to your question, tell her. It's not that bad.

  3. you're too young for a boyfriend

  4. I have heard worse.  You seem pretty mature for your age, but I think you are still too young to have a boyfriend.  It is one thing to start liking boys around this time and having them just as friends.  You don't need to be getting into the whole boyfriend/girlfriend stage.  Let your mom know though your feelings so you can figure them out together.  She has a very smart daughter.  Good luck!

  5. im not a mom but my mom let my sister date when she was in 9th grade..and i see nothing wrong with it..

    dont listen to the  people who say you're to young....if you know you're not doing anything physically with this boy then you have nothing to worry about!

    i hope i help!!!!:)

    i wish you the best of luck!

  6. You're not mature enough for a boyfriend if you want to break something off after this long because you think he's, "too old." You should break up because you generally do not wish to be with this person anymore. Age should NOT suddenly become a factor.

  7. When you say *dating*, and your Mom doesn't know about the guy, does this mean you sneak out and go to the movies and dinner and dancing with him?  That's a date.  Otherwise, you two just like each other and call each other cute, little, lovey-dovey pet names like "My Boo" and stuff like that, right?

    Well, if you are sneaking out with this guy, then yeah, your Momma will be a bit upset when you tell her.  If you aren't sneaking out, then there should be no problem with liking a guy, and him returning the affection, if that is as far as it goes.  And telling Momma might mean that he can come over on the weekends and she might let you two go to the movies together.  Or not.  

    Some parents get a bit bent out of shape when they find out their little, baby girl is *in love* with someone older.  If you are not 16 yet, and in the 9th grade, you aren't, and if he is over the age of 17, there might be legal problems if your parents don't like him hanging around.  It happened to my cousin.  He was seeing this girl, just like you and your guy.  When her Legal Guardian found out (grandpa was a County Commissioner) that my cousin was 18 and she was still 15, he filed statutory rape charges against my cousin and he went to jail.  Now the laws are more reasonable, but still, some parents might be a bit upset.  So, yeah, talk to her about guys and ask HER what SHE thinks, not us her online, ok?  Besides, this is something that she really wants you to do.  All Mommas want their daughters to feel they can come to talk to them about guys.  It keeps us in the loop and a different type of Mom/daughter bonding happens!

  8. I don't think he's too old. My only concern is that you've kept it from your mom and lied about it for this long- if she gets pissed when you tell her, she's got every right.

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