
Hey people now this question is more for carpenters

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hey im currently in the 10th grade and was in real need of finding out wat this job consists of if,

for eg. do i need to stay till grade 12 wat maths do i need etc




  1. I am a 2nd generation carpenter.  In high school I took wood shop because I was good at it, Also Architectural Drawing.

    Master basic math,  Geometry is very helpful too.  forget the rest,

    like Algebra etc.  All of these were all I needed to be a contractor.

    Also,  being a very good carpener is a natural talent, in the genes.

    Good luck, I hope this helped.  PS: I was lucky, my father was a great teacher.  Work for one.

  2. finish school and then go to a trade school etc,,, the more education the better paying jobs you get!!  leslies friend will probably always be nothing but an apprentice!!  he has no higher education!!  math is every wheres  so get all you can!!  I am 55 years old and just took up welding as a hobby after a life time of electronics,, I went to a welding site and those guys have to use math more than I did as an electronics technician!!!!!

  3.   Stay in school until the 12 th grade and graduate.Take  english and math all you can..You need spelling skills.. In being a carpenter you ll use lots of math and geometry..You don t say what kind of carpenter  you want because there is several types..Go to college if you can, if not a trade school for sure.. That way if its not for you , you have more education to back you up.Don t ever give up on learning new skills in anything.GL

  4. A friend of mine did up to year 10 then did a tafe pre-apprentice course in carpentry, then he asked around at local carpenters if he could be an apprentice and he has just got one.

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