
Hey....please help.... in how much time will oil paints dry on a canvas?

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I used to do a lot of oil painting few years back. Now i don't remember how much time does it take for the oil paints to dry. I need to shift my room in a week and i started a painting today. Any help will be highly appreciated. Thank you




  1. My painting has been drying for 6 days!!! and its not that thick.  so, pls let me know.

  2. Heres some info.

  3. 5 or 6 hours,im a painter and i usualy dont let some one tough the paint a whole day and night,i learned that from my dad wich he learned it from his dad,lol all of my family are painters,but any ways,sleep and then check it at the morning thats better.

  4. Hi, don't be so worried,ok :)

    Whether you paint it heavily? if you paint the mediterranean painting it would be a problem to have it dried in a week,anyway just keep it in a place which is well-ventilated.Sometimes,I use a kind of sprayer (I don't know how to call it in English) which can make it dry quicker than usual time,but don't spray it so much. You can go to your local shop try to find it.

  5. It usually takes 1 or 2 weeks if just used by the tube.  If used with liquin or turpenoid to help speed dry it usually takes about 2 - 3 days.  And all depends on if it used with thick layer or thin layers.  But the top layer usually dries first than the layers underneath the oil :D  Maybe you can put the painting elsewhere while you shift your room.

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