
Hey plz can you tell me how to play sodoku ??

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plz i wanna 2 play sodoku but how can u tell me ?




  1. nine boxes across and down separated into nine 3 by3 cubes

    the nine boxes contain 9 individual numbers 1 thur 9= 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

    Each of the nine cubes contain the same individual numbers too,= 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,

    The nine boxes across and down are called rows

    no row may contain more than one individual number

    And the nine boxes composing the cube 3by3 will only contain one of the 1thur nine numbers and no two same numbers can be located in the same cube.

    So start with the one star game which is the beginning level for the game and that usually comes in Mondays newspaper and dig in

  2. Sudoku :)

    It's a number puzzle based o a 9 by 9 grid.The grid is also divided into nine 3 by 3 boxes.You are given a selection of values and, to complete the puzzle, you must fill the grid so that every column (boxes running down), every row (boxes running across) and every 3 by 3 box contains the digits 1 to 9 and none is repeated.

  3. Basically you have a large 9x9 grid of numbers that is made up of smaller 3x3 grids of numbers. What you have to do is using the numbers given to you, fill in the grids so each row and column only uses each number once and so each 3x3 grid uses each number once.  It takes practice, but you'll get the hang of it. It's fun!

  4. u cant have the same number in a row or box

  5. ok you have to be able to fit 1-9 into the 9 separate boxes then you have to also get 1-9 in all the lines going horizontal and vertical if you need anymore help then look it up :)

  6. It's a grid that consists of 9 x 9 squares (They may vary in size actually). In the grid of each section consists a number to help you complete the puzzle. The goal is to get the numbers 1 through 9 in a section of 9 squares out of 81 squares. Horizontally, you can only have the numbers 1 through 9, same vertically, and diagonally.

  7. I HAD the same problem. Then i LEARNED in steps so here it goes

    Right now u are looking at your number grid

    there are 9 spaces(filled and non-filled) from up and down and left to right

    first locate or RECOGNIZE what number appears most often in the grid

    For ex. its 8 now you cant have the same number repeated in the same line with another so if 8 is in the top line in the left box  and another 8 is in the 2nd line on the far right box

    since there are 8's in the top and 2nd line no more 8's  

    whether up or down are allowd to go in there

    so whats open?

    the one that is open is the middle box , 3rd line

    so with these rules you can narrow down what number goes in EACH BOX:

    no number can repeat in the same sq which is 3 by 3  and there are 3 boxes across the grid and up and down which is a total of 9 boxes in the grid

    in the line of 9 spaces across and up and down no number can be repeated as well..

    so u cant repeat a number by the row and the box



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