
Hey plz make sence of this for me. ok i was bullied in primary school, not too sure why.?

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it felt like my fault anyway. now ive finished, high school and college, both of which were h**l. in school i was fine except one "friend" who would tel me off constantly and keep putting me down seemed to everyone else as a nice person and if ever i said anything to her i was thought of as the one being awkward. evan now if i ever see her around i feel intimidated by her to the extent that i feel depressed all day, sometimes for longer. any way.. in college i was an easy target for people, if they had no one to pick on it would be me. it seemed as though they used me as a conversation starting point to sort of have a ***** bond between them. i became very quiet in college and have stayed so ever since i cant say anything mean to anyone even for revenge incase i make someone feel the way that i do. so people can get away with pretty much anything they do to me. why am i a target like this?




  1. Bullies look for victims who will be unable to defend themselves. That is how you are. You should find a way to get some counseling to help you with your self-esteem problem.

    And forget about that girl. She never was your friend.

  2. you need to stand up for yourself no matter what - just don't do anything crazy like shooting & stuff. but now, that you're older, maybe you should talk to a counselor. go back to the university, don't let someone stupid make your life miserable. be strong and stand up for yourself.  

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