
Hey ppl, i just wanted to know a name of this vitamin, i think its called Ecanasia?

by  |  earlier

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I cant find it in the search because i got the wrong spelling...Also what does it do

If you guys can think of any other vitamins that can strengthen my health and what not let me know thanks ppl

...thanks ppls




  1. echinacea, its an herb/herbal supplement

  2. it helps me to get rid of a cold quicker- its helps to build white blood cells to fight off infection. I wish i could give doses of it to my neighbor- he has a very low white blood cell count- but it wouldn't help him. I would need to know what you want to strengthen to help you. What health concerns would you like to cure, heal or prevent from coming?

  3. It doesn't do anything.  Its just an hebal supplement that says it does stuff but really its a waste of money.

  4. I think you are referring to: Echinacea. It is an herbal remedy derived from a flowering plant.

    It is mostly used in the treatment of colds. When taken early on (during a cold), it is thought to shorten the duration. Some people also believe that it can strengthen the immune system, which in turn, lessens the likelihood of getting a cold.

    It is available at most drug stores and most certainly at health food stores.

    A multi-vitamin daily will also help to strengthen your immune system.

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