Funniest travel article I ever read - someone called Karin Andersson travels all the way from London-Bangkok (in Asia) by train to save Co2 (Carbon dioxide) emissions! Here are the statistics:
Total cost of going overland (trains, buses, boats, hotels, food, visas and agency fees): £2,282.
Cost of a budget flight, one way: roughly £575.
Time taken: 22 days.
Distance travelled: 13,330km (compared with 9,860km by air).
Carbon dioxide expended travelling overland (calculated by Stella Bell at Climate Care): 525.98 kg C02.
Carbon dioxide expended flying: 1,443 kg C02.
And here's the piece of cake: Far greener than air, and more interesting. Also much more expensive - but Andreasson paid hefty fees for booking at the last minute. She could also have saved money by choosing "hard-class" train seats.
I have seen plenty of "real travellers" like this!