
Hey pro-lifers, if a fetus is a human being how come the census doesn't count them?

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asked first by George Carlin




  1. George could do it in a comedy bit but not as a serious question.

  2. Because, like in a murder case, they aren't legally considered a human until they take their first breath of air. Atleast thats how it is in New York

  3. The fourteenth amendment says we count all persons excluding Indians not taxed....  So, we don't count Indians either.....

    .... and yes I stand corrected, we do count illegal immigrants because we don't ask if they are here illegally when we conduct the census, so we estimate there are 17 million, we don't know that because of the census.

    Irregardless, George Carlin was a comedian and this can't be a serious question and shouldn't be taken that way...

  4. If you want to have a serious discussion about abortion, then fine.

    If you want to use a ridiculous comedy routine thought up by a guy who wrote some of the un-funniest comedy bits in the last 50 years to make "serious" point about a serious issue, then I suggest you use Lenny Bruce, instead.

    Carlin was so enamored of what he thought was his own cleverness that he hardly counts for anything.

  5. Hey lib - if a fetus is not a human being, how come a killer gets charged with two counts of murder if he kills a pregnant woman?

  6. Seriously? WTF? Is that what your biology book said? That a human is defined by the census bureau and not by DNA?

    Typical liberal. Can't think for yourself, you have to have a government bureaucracy define a human for you. Do you need it to tell you to breathe too?

  7. Would you be happy if we just cut the heads off of all new borns? Would that shut you up? Seriously?

    RE: Really? Then it would be ok to take the "fetus" out 5 minutes before birth and cut it's head off?

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