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My cervix is ripened---thinning and at the front

I'v not dilated yet

I'm 36 weeks and 6 days.

My baby boy is 3/5th Engaged

(Was Told this 3 nights ago)

Got midwife on tue to find out if i have dilated.

The midwife at the labour word says im in early slow labour

Was Having Really Bad Contractions On and Off For 4 Hours (which the midwife informed thats what the pain was)

They Slowed down and ever since then its been mild on and off contractions and that was 3 nights ago.

i'v also been having ALOT of s*x

how long do you think it will be til my little boy is here.





  1. There is no exact answer. It could be days or even weeks. Considering your thing says your right at 37 weeks. And really it depends on if this is your first baby. I'd say anywhere from a few days, to a few weeks. Also, since it's been 3 days since you were having the contractions. To me, it's just your body getting ready for the real thing.

  2. As long as it takes for him to be ready to come into the big wide world!

    Congrats by the way, hope it all goes well :)


  3. Nobody can answer that for you, labour is different for everyone.
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