
Hey runners what do you think about when you need to get to that finish line and are tired out?

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I am training for a 5k race. When I get tired I need to get my mind off the running and onto something else. What do you think about or do while you are running to keep you motivated and on track to cross the finish line?




  1. hopefully there will be some hotpot waiting for me after the finish line.

  2. i think of the feeling i feel when im finished

  3. I make a big list of people that make me happy, sometimes I even bring the list with me.  I think about family and friends, and I devote a small portion of the race to each one of them.  The more people the better, especially for long races.  Good luck friend.


  4. happy

  5. Well I run 800 meters in track. And, when I'm out there on the track I find staring at a girls ponytail helps me run faster, and it takes my mind off the running part. I don't know if you will be able to do that, since I doubt you will be close enough to someone in a 5k race the whole time. But, what I'm trying to says is pick a point straight ahead, never down, and just focus on that point. One more thing, don't let the words "I'm tired" enter your brain, basically forget you are running. Singing a song in your head also helps.

  6. I keep my mind on the race I think "Run faster!!!! Run FASTER!!!! RUN FASTER!!!! till i've passed up every living being in the race. I ran a 5k when I was 12 and did that and i got third in ADULTS!!! first in kids

  7. Visualize yourself finishing strong, upright and smiling.  Create your own mantra to help you get through it (mine is:  I am fit, and I am strong, I repeat this to myself when I feel I am getting tired,) or tell yourself to push...push just a little harder... Think of the rewards of finishing, food , medal, shirt, possible prizes...

    Sometimes doing math problems/times tables in your head occupies your head to keep your mind busy.

    Good luck on your 5K race, you will do well!

  8. this is the pain barrier you feel

    the best thing i can do is ignore it, not lose my form, and run as if my life is on the line to the finish line

    trust me, you will feel a lot happier after you cross the finish line than rather watch someone pass you in the last 100m just because you've slowed on

    when a runner finishes a race, he either makes excuses, whether or not he ran as hard as he could have, or lies at the finish knowing he gave everything he had

  9. I picture all the people i know laughing in my face because i couldn't finish!

  10. All the above are good suggestions.  But have you tried focusing on your running style?

    When I start to tire I actually focus more on the running and how my form is.  Things like making sure I am running with my back straight and my head up along with making sure I am lifting my knees properly in order to take good strides.

    Have someone else look at your style and get them to make some suggestions for things you can concentrate on improving.  

    Often I see people in races looking down at the ground, hunched over and not pulling their legs through properly so they are almost dragging their feet.  Running like this is not particularly efficient.  

    If you concentrate on improving your form like this I find not only am I concentrating less on how tired I am but also because I am running better I am less tired as a result of that and can put in better times.

    Music can also help take your mind of things and spur you on.  You may find it easier to establish a better rhythm this way as well.

  11. when I'm coming into the last stretch I just hear the crowd cheering and I just focus on finishing first for my team.

  12. ..

    The risk in NOT thinking about the running you are doing is that you can easily space out and slow up.  

    Positive alternatives include:

    -relaxing specific muscles throughout your body, your arms, legs, hips, even abs

    -focusing on the target time and/or place goal!  Remembering why you are in the race in the first place, and think about those things!

    -with this, remember the times you need to reach each milestone in the race, e.g., the mile times.

    -in advance of the race, prepare for the race, mentally.  There are a couple of ways you can do this.  One is, while running your interval or speed workouts, visualize the last mile of the race (or wherever it is that you might otherwise get tired) and imagine yourself running as strong as you are running in the workout.

    -similarly, practice in a non-running situation visualizing yourself racing.  A bit goes into this, you might ask your coach about this.  Essentially, it's you in a quiet place, relaxing, and seeing yourself running at the major points in the race, e.g., at each mile.  And you seeing yourself running well, running strong, running without slowing.



    **The more you run and race, you'll find that it becomes easier and easier to keep your mind in the race, despite feeling tired or other discomfort.  Keeping your mind in the race, and on how you are feeling, is something that the most experienced runners tend to do.

  13. imagine the love of your life is at the finishing line lol

    for me that would be russel brand or johnney depp :P

  14. i just think about making it, stuff happening in the day, music in ma head and all dat stuff...

  15. when i see the finish line.. i say to myself i gotta make it to the finish line...!! cry if i have too.... crawl if i have too.... whatever it is.. i am a winner no matter what...!

  16. try looking around and take your mind off the race,

    but dont get too distracted and slow down, relax and keep pace.

    but you also got to think about how you are almost there and all the hard work and time done in practice to prepare you for the race would have been a waste.

    so you cant punk out.

    especially if its one of those races that you had to travel miles to get to, dont go that far if your not going to give it your all.

    you waste all that time getting there, and you waste another day of your life.

    relax, keep pumping the arms and driving your knees



  17. Just imagine a monster behind you

  18. The following quotes: "Failure is not an option." and "The glory remains long after the pain fades."

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