
Hey there, I'm thinking of going on a vacation alone.Anybody have any good suggestions?

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FYI.....I'm a 30 yr old black single female.




  1. caribanna, Toronto ontario canada. google it, awesome festival!

  2. I'd also suggest a cruise. You'll meet a lot of people there, too. Quite expensive though...

  3. Go on a cruise...Gamble if you like to do that or Vegas

  4. why would u go alone. that would be lonely. take someone along

  5. It sound great. you are brave young lady,we all need a little me time .just be carefully.

  6. NY or London is great. (I want to return with a friend sometime)

    Or go somewhere just relaxing. (Spa getaway, tropical island)

    Good luck with your travels!

  7. Hawaii. Absolutley wonderful alone. No nagging children, wife, just peace and quiet.

  8. Vacation isn't so fun alone =( find a friend or something to go with,  the Carribeans, England, France, Italy, all of these are great places

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