
Hey v-ball girl highscool players.. what impresses the coaches extra?

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I made the seventh grade varsity volleyball team, but this year's a new coach so i want to make sure we get on really good terms and she notices me above the rest... what do i do? any advice would be helpful and i'd luv all you pals




  1. never give up, dont curse in front of her, teach others, be a good sport, and most of all, be talented

  2. TRY your hardest. Hustle, and when she says you are doing something wrong take her advice and listen to what she says.

    any more questions   im

  3. ALWAYS ALWAYS hustle and call the ball!!! never talk bad about anyone and always try your hardest no matter what. Coaches love it when their players show interest and dedication so ask questions and show that you have heart and want to be there. also help other players if they have questions let them know that they can come to you and ask, if someone is having trouble on a specific thing give them pointers it will show the coach that you are a team player and captain material. But dont ever try to show anyone or the coach up. dont talk while your coach is talking and suggest some drills that you should do. if he/she is a good coach they will be open to anything you have to say and suggest. just try to feel comforatable around them it'll make them feel more comfortable around you too. Oh, and no matter what cheer on your team if you guys are doing drills or running your butts off step up and so lets go ladies keep it up your doing great or something like that. if someone messes up tell em' nice try or good job clap cheer do what ever you have to to get your team pumped up!!! ive been captain of my school team and im currently captain of my club team so ive pretty much done all this stuff and it really works just remember to always be a team player and at pracitces and games pump up your team by cheering them on and giving them pointers. hope this helped!!!!!!! GooD LucK :)))))))

  4. I am a coach, and I thought it was very cool that you are dedicated enough to the ball, pay attention in practice, try your hardest no matter what, and most of all have fun. that is what you are out on the court to do. :)

  5. Be the normal-YOU... don't push it.

  6. hard work! seriously, and don't talk just work work work and practice

    and dont complain

    and act like you wanna improve

  7. Ok always have great energy on the court. Ask them for help when needed. Ask for advice on what you can work on they love that. Be a leader on the court. Show the coach your there to learn and have fun. Always be a team player and open up to your coach. And teammates. Always try your best. Hussle all time coaches love that too! Getting noticed always be the loudest on the court yell scream do whatever. but most of all show the coach u are there to learn the game!

  8. well my 9th grae year we got a new varsity coach. we had this serve recieve drill where we had to get 3 kills off 7 serves for eveyone we did get we ran 2 sprints. the other players on the other side of the court played out the ball like a scrimmage. so only one side had to run, but even when i wasnt on that side I ran anyways this really got my coaches attention as well as all the upperclassmen. they respected me more after they saw how hard i worked.

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