
Hey - what can you guys tell me about France? I mean, your opinion on it?

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EG people, language, tradition, culture, food, sights, I just want to know your opinion. It can be anything - preferably positive.

Serious answers please!

Thanks a lot!




  1. I've been to France many times over the past forty years.  Yes, it is a beautiful country but not as beautiful as America.  In many of the larger cities they are very snobish and look down on Americans.  But in the smaller towns and villages you will meet some of the nicest and friendliest people you will ever find anywhere in the world.  I once visited the small village Taradoe, which is about an hour north of Toulon, to participate in a wreath laying ceremony at their veterans cemetry.  It was the red carpet treatment.  A tour of the town (they were particulary proud of their high school  soccer field, a centuries old Chauteau with its vineyards and enormous wine cellar with hugh wooden vats dating back to the 14th century.  They had tremendous pride in their wine and provided samples of the wine from several of the vats.  A wonderful six course meal with appropriate local wine for each course topped off the day.  I thing everyone in the village turned out for the meal which was held in their equivalent of a social center.  What was really great was how they apologized for the negative attitude of their government, the boorish behavior of people in the larger cities, and proclaimed their eternal friendship and like for Americans.  Another time in Cannes, I was seated in a small cafe  and I picked up a French newspaper and started to read it.  The waiter was very surprised that an American could read and speak French.  Food preparation is a very serious issue in France (most feel that something like a Big Mac is the same as food from a garbage can).  A meal in a small cafe can be as tasty and as well prepared as one in a large restaurant.  I think that they consider most American as "cowboys" and you often hear negative references to us and John Wayne.  The fact that we had to save their country in two World Wars rubs on their national pride.  So while it is easy to be upbeat and positive about the people of the countryside and villages it is, sadly, the opposite for the majority of the city folk.

  2. its great.....if you take the french out of it ;-p

    no kidding, the south of france is supposed to be idyllic and the food is great can experiance anything you want to get out of your trip in france as long as your willing to travel and mix with the locals.........however it doesn't hold a candle to life in brighton of course but then again nothing does..

  3. It is the most gorgous country in the world, and the language is beautiful. The food is amazing! Plus, the streets are original, And it's culture is filled with classic art and music. Lastly, Have you seen the Effil Tower? cuz, you really must!

  4. Outside of Paris, France is, for the most part, wonderful to visit (people, food, beautiful countryside).  But I know you can't avoid Paris.

    ...just remember that when you visit there(Paris), don't ever point out that there are thousands upon thousands of graves where dead American soldiers lie.  They have a habit of forgetting sacrifices like that!

  5. I just got back from Paris.  I loved every minute of it.  Those people who say the French are rude must have done something to p**s them off.  I found them to be kind generous and hospitable.  I do not speak French but took the time to learn a few key phrases before I left the states.  

    The food is wonderful.  Everythng from street food (crepes and tartines) to expensive dinner at Cafe Hubert.  Be prepared to relax during your restaurant experience.  They serve at a much slower pace than America.  You'll get used to it and really enjoy your food so much more.  

    Walking in France is really the best way to see things.  The metro and RER are not nearly as dangerous as people say.  Just be aware af people around you.  They are famous for their pickpockets.  

    Charles de Gaulle Airport is a mad house.  Get to the airport at least 3 hours before your flight in order to get through ticketing and security.  

    Be sure to visit Sacre Cour in the Montmarte district. It has amazing views of Paris and the church is amazing.  

    Take the time to sit in the cafes especially this time of year.  the people watching is totally fun.  If you find yourself in the 5th Arrondisment (Latin Quarter) be sure to go to The 5th on the Rue du Montefort.  It is fun bar where American students hang out.  Tell Gareth, Kendall says hello.   During the day there is a great open market where the locals do their shopping but Sunday is the best day to go.

  6. Love it. Live there.

  7. I can't say one thing positive about that country or the people.

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