
Hey what do you think about this exersise bike?(pic)?

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I been meaning to buy a exersise bike online and get it sent out to me. I found these two exersise bikes for a reasonable price but i dont get it whats the different between these two bikes on cost more but they are the same brand and look the same and from the same store....

and this one is the cheaper one




  1. After K-Mart filed bankruptcy, they and Sears got together in a merger.

    Both bikes appear to be the same and two stores are the same ( except for different names).  Yes, buy the cheaper one.

  2. After a month or two most people use their exercise bikes as a clothes rack, so get the cheaper one.

  3. The cheaper one looks just as good and is just like it plus you'll save some money that's always important.  

  4. Get a "Spinning" bike, the one from Infomercials. They will knock off a couple of pounds on the first hour of riding it. Plus it is more convenient to have in the house. I don't know about the price, check it out though before buying either of the ones you have above.  

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