
Hey what is the meaning of the song The Kill-30 Seconds to Mars?

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Well see my friends say the meaning/storyline of the song is at wedding but I told them that doesn't make sens I say it is about a guy who loves someone for a while then they went out together then he realized how much he doesn't like her anymore but doesn't know what to do. So he is trying to break up with her but can't find the words to say....But am I wrong? Are they wrong? Or am I right or are they right? Or is neither of us right? Help me please!




  1. It's not about a relationship with someone else at all!

    It's about finding yourself and discovering who you are, and about realising that trying to be someone that other people want you to be doesn't work and ultimately you have to be true to yourself.

    "I tried to be someone else

    But nothing seemed to change

    I know now this is who I really am inside

    Falling from myself

    Running for a chance

    I know now this is who I really am."

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