
Hey what will happen if we keep a lighted candle inside the refridgerator??

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Hey what will happen if we keep a lighted candle inside the refridgerator??




  1. Why would this even occur to you?

    Anyway, first this is a bad idea because an out of sight candle could cause a fire which INSIDE an electrical appliance is a very bad idea and in worst case scenario could lead to your house burning down.

    If you think that it would run out of oxygen and just go out.....I would expect the refrigerator to go on fire first. There is a LOT of air in a refrigerator.

    Basically, this is not a clever thing to do and won't result in any kind of fun things happening

  2. it would burn all the oxigen out and the refigerator would smell like smoke

  3. Thats an interesting question. If there is enough oxygen in the refrigerator the candle will probably burn fine, if not then it will go off.

  4. It would heat up the interior.

    Why would you want to put a lit candle in a fridge.....????

  5. You will get a black smoke burn on the roof of the refer. and eventually the candle will go out.  Why would you want to do this anyway?

  6. It will go out due to lack of oxygen.

  7. The candle will burn until the oxygen inside the fridge is used up and then it will go out... and get cold.

  8. The candle will go off.

  9. Your butter would melt.

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