
Hey whats highschool in canada like?(toronto)?

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i'm moving there and just wondering is it like the films where ya get picked on for like nothing ha??and is there cliques like the cheerleaders and all that?

also what are they like to newcomers?

sorry for all the questions just really curios as i'm moving from europe !




  1. no not at all. most of htose movies are american high schools , but there not like that at all. People here are extrelemly firendly and welcoming and will probably think its cool that you're from Europe, And toronto is a wicked city, I love it there. Have fun and Good Luck

  2. Compared to Europe, high school is more like university.  You don't stay in one classroom all day.  You go to different rooms for different subjects,  more like a campus.  As for the cliques, cheerleaders, etc., what you are describing is TV/movie stereotypes.  You will like Toronto.  It is a world-class city with good public transportation, very cosmopolitan.  Welcome!

  3. it is not like the movies you aer describing. it is very nice, people are very friendly and helpful....geez, we don't even have to lock our doors here!!   you can become a cheerleader if you like. i think you will really like it and fit in just fine as this is a very accepting country!!    

  4. The US has a very stereotypically divided educations system. Many other countries have less of this problem, however wherever you go, it should be fine.

  5. i don't you will get picked on high school isn't really like what you see in the movies yes there are clicks where some people hang out with certain people, but i am sure you will be fine when i went there for camp for the weekend every one there was very nice and since you are from europe  everyone will think that is so cool.  

  6. Overall Canadians are known for being really nice people.  Toronto is very ethnically diverse so you might see certain races hanging around more with their own race.  In Canadian highschools you won't really see the s****. cheerleader type girls or or super jocks or anything but Toronto is a fairly trendy city and is considered the "new york of canada".  I'm sure you will make friends.  Good luck.

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