
Hey when does your school start?

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Mine starts tomorrow sad! But Happy?




  1. My school started 2 weeks ago because it is a private school and most private schools start like August 8th

  2. mine starts tomorow afternoon =O  

  3. Why I wander why school is starting so late for you guys. I live in Georgia and school started July 29th.

  4. school starts for me on wednesday. Im going to college and thats when it starts for me.  

  5. day after tomorrow =[ =]

    mixed feelings about it

  6. Mine started last week. Why do you have it tomorrow? Tomorrow is labor day. I don't go back until tuesday.

  7. September 2nd, tomorrow! I'm so excited :D

  8. mine starts tomorrow too.  (september 2)  i'm not excited at all LOL.  =)  i wish i had another 2 months of vacation.

  9. tomorrow because i live in Barbados yours is prolly different i dunno

  10. september 8th woooo!!! senior year !!!

  11. day after tomorrow!    

    2 training days :-)

  12. August 20th..




  13. way thursday :D

    wales, uk ...

    i'm sort of looking forward to seeing my friends i haven't seen over the summer... but not to the work :(

    and the weathers been c**p so no beach time this year:(

  14. mine starts the day after tomorrow

    i'm... i don't actually know what how i feel about it

    i guess it's just a bunch of feelings mixed together  

  15. Tomorrow. At six in the morning. Yippee.

  16. tomorrow. i live in ontario.

  17. Yup. basically everyones school starts tomorrow. Mine does, too. Its a school night its that crazy?!? But, I am really excited for it to start.  

  18. Mine starts tomorrow too. A lot of people have already started back in August.

  19. September 3rd.

    I'm kind of excited, but I'm on an online scool, so I don't have much to worry about.

  20. Already started a week ago..

  21. In two days! So excited, turns out my schedule that I was upset about was screwed up, and i got a new one! For the first time in 4 years, I'm in 2 classes with my best friend! I'm so excited!

    Glad I could share my story with someone!

  22. tomorrow

  23. I start tommorow. I'm starting highschool, and I'm a bit of a jumble of nerves :P.

  24. we have to go in on the 3rd for an enrolement sesion... then it all starts for real on thursday the 4th of september...


  25. Mine Started Today :(

  26. mine started august 18th, was excitied but i'm already sick of it

  27. Tomorrow, c**p;...

  28. ewww  i dont want to go backk....

    cause tommorow starts and were stuck with it till summer againn ):

    byt im excited to see freindss

  29. tomorrow

  30. mine starts on wednesday and i still havent got

    school trowsers

    pencil case


    i could go on...looking forward to it tho

  31. mine starts on 15th September. And I can't wait to start it.. because I have some problem with my family, and I want to have any reasons to stay out, without my mom bugging me all the time

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