
Hey where can I get rid of 12 extra coats?

by  |  earlier

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I have 7 women coats, 2 men coats, and 3 children coats. Where can I send/bring them? I want them to go to needy people.




  1. oxfam...any charity store

  2. goodwill takes them and sells them, but that money goes to the needy. Or if you see a needy person on the street give them one. I always keep spare gloves and hats for the homeless.

  3. Call the churches in your area or the homeless shelters. Also call the schools and see if they know of any coat drives. The Shelter for Abused Women and Children.

  4. I would def. take them to Goodwill or Salvation Army, or up to a homeless shelter. =)

  5. Look for a Salvation Army drop box or another local charity like that.  Sometimes the local police station will know where you can take them.

  6. Go to click on groups in the left hand column and join Freecycle in your area.   However you need to know that Salvation Army and Goodwill use the so called profit to help people not to fill their pockets.

  7. i would call the schools, they always know of kids and parents that need coats.

    Also, Can call Human Services, RED CROSS -

    Pregnancy Center,

    Your local Freecycle group, see if there is one and post a message.  

    All you have to do is call the newspaper (do you have like a trader paper, that comes out once a week) Free articles do not charge - see if they will post a message.

    I guarantee, the people that need them will call.people are not that greedy... I was chairman for a Coats for kids program // people are generally good.  We had to ecourage alot of the people that were recommended to show up for the shopping...-If you have a local Jaycees (US Junior Chamber) they will know where to take them, or they will take them and hold them for projects. (i was a member for many years)

  8. Is there a homeless shelter in your area? They would probably welcome any coats at this time of year.

  9. Yeah.. you should give it away to needy people. Orr.. ebay.

  10. You could call the schools and local churches to see if they know anyone who is in need of these items. I am shocked that the homeless shelter wil not take them as there is such a need especially now in the winter. Have you tried the Salvation Army? they hand out coats and they also sell them, but what they make goes into helping others and it is not for a profit. Good luck.

  11. For goodness sake, call the Salvation Army. or a Goodwill Industries, if you have one. Or a local church. They'll have people standing in line to get warm coats.

  12. you should give it to the homless peole or the people who dosn't have home or  u can give it to ebay .com

  13. it's awesome you want to give to the needy.  depending on where you live, go to yahoo groups and search freecycle in your area.  I live in Canada and we have them in most major cities.  I love the freecycle program we have, cause' the items we get rid of actually goes to families who need those particualar things.  Its neat and gives a great feeling of giving.  

    Also donate to the, salvation army, goodwill.. etc.


  14. I don't understand your anxiety against the Salvation Army.  Yes there is a profit,  but they also provide jobs to those who want to work.

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