
Hey which is better a more conservative or a more liberated society?

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Hey which is better a more conservative or a more liberated society?




  1. Liberated.

    Everyone should be free to live their lives as they wish (within reason).

    I think you meant "liberal" but same thing, in a way.

    Too many conservatives today would restrict everyone's freedom, trying to force everyone to be, act, and think their way, and their way only; they also promote economic policies that impoverish the vast majority to help the tiny minority own more.

    The only freedom many conservatives think anyone should have is the right to carry rapid-fire weaponry, and armor-piercing bullets.

  2. you need an equal balance of the two one dominating over the other does not seem to bode well for anybody

  3. I hope you mean liberal. Because liberal and liberated are two COMPLETLY different things. And you need a balance of both, because change for the sake of change is bad, but so is the opposite.

  4. conservative, all liberals have is ideas with not much to back them up with

  5. Show me a truly liberal society that has failed. History is littered with societies which became increasingly conservative and thus less dynamic societies which failed.

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