
Hey you, care to check this out?

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I used to laugh at evolutionists who said we came from "muddy soup". I mean the idea of it sounds as strange to me as the idea of a talking serpent to those who don't know God.

Anyways, one night I was listening to a certain pastor who brought to my attention, in a different bible study, Genesis 2:6 "But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground." (Mud?)

Then in vs 7 it reads, "And the LORD God formed man [of] the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." (Dirt or Dust + Water = Mud)

feel free to read the whole chapter in context:

So immediately I began to see even more that the piece of the evolution puzzle the unbelievers are searching for IS God. (The missing link.) I now believe there might be some truth in what evolutionists say but sadly most of them fail to see God's hand in it.

I wonder if us Christians and Evolutionists are barking up the same tree when it comes to the age of the earth except we're on opposite sides of the tree. (Psalm 90:4 For you, a thousand years are as yesterday! They are like a few hours!)

What does everyone "respectfully" think of my findings?




  1. God Created humans and that = evolution ?

    Hum mm you analogy is as flawed as the atheist and his evoluational theories .

    Sorry....but your findings are off .

    The whole Word here is "GOD" and "CREATED"..........

    and He didnt need billions or millions or trillions of years to do it . It was ALL done with just the Spoken Word and in 6 days and on the 7th He Rested from "ALL " His Labors .

    And His time is not ours . And as it is written . "A Day is AS a Thousand years and a thousand years is As a Day unto the Lord ."

    And you quoted Psalm's , so your not ignorant of what it says .

  2. oh lawd....the whole "god created evolution" argument.

    i bet you believe the earth is flat and the sun revolves around it.

  3. If you soak clay in water it gets soft.

    If you soak in the BathTub too long, you get "Pruney".

    (skin looks like a Prune)     :)

    So There!!! ;)

  4. No barking up the same tree, sorry. Were not even in a tree. It is true that God took some mud and made us. The mud he used was (and well be again) special. As for creeping up out of a mud pit with a tail and fins, evolving into what we are. No! Always been human and always will be.  

  5. Does this sound like evolution?

    Gen 2:7 And the LORD God formed man [of] the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.  

  6. Dude, I'm tired of all this debate. It was obviously aliens who came down here to mine our gold. They needed miners, so they 'speed up' our evolution so we could be smart enough to take orders and mine the gold. Duh. There, now it's out in the open. RELIEF!! I've been holding it in for sooo long.

    Oh, and everyone is so concerned with how we got here. My question is:


  7. This debate just floors me. Evolutionist insist that the earth is how old? Based on the books of The Bible, the earth is somewhere around 6000 years old.  Recently, in an abandoned coal mine, stalagmites and stalactites were found  of very large size. Acording to evolution, these should of taken thousands of years to grow, the mine has only been inactive for 40 years. I witnessed this in the Lewis and Clark Caves in Montana also.The law of biogenesis explained(Genesis 1). Scientists observe that life only comes from existing life. This law has NEVER been violated under observation or experimentation(as evolution imagines). Therefore life, God's life, created all life. Which came first, proteins opr DNA(Revelation4:11)? For evolutionists, the chicken or the egg dilemma goes even deeper. Chicken consists of proteins. The code for each protein is contained in the DNA/RNA system. However, proteins are required inorder to manufacture DNA. So, which came first: proteins or DNA? The ONLY explanation is that they were CREATED together.  The First Law of Thermodynamics established(Genesis 2:1-2). The First Law states that the total quanity of energy and matter in the universe is a constant. One form of energy or matter may be converted into another, BUT the total quantity always remains the SAME. Therefore the creation is FINISHED, exactly as God said way back in Genesis. The list of proof goes on and on. The reason most people find comfort in evolution, then they don't have to give any thought for how they choose to live.Moral or immorally. No accountability to The Creator, Almighty God. As far as the mist, there is what some have called"the canopy", which I've not done any studuing on, so I'll not adress that.  Below you will find sources to research and discover the Truth for yourself.

  8. I'm not aware of any evolutionists who believe we came from muddy soup.  You must have your facts mixed up, as usual.

  9. Waa haa!  I think I just found me the missing link!  LMAAO!

  10. coming from muddy soup not too lowly for you anymore then?

  11. It is certainly a way of helping Christians become more comfortable with tolerating evolution.

  12. Firstly, that's not evolution, Billy, that's abiogenesis - the forming of life from non-living organic molecules.  Such an event most likely happened some 3.5 billion years ago and occured in underwater environments where certain clays and rocks capable of initiating catalysis of certain organic molecules existed.  Calling such an environment "muddy soup" is as accurate as calling the human body a bunch of bones with some skin over them - technically accurate but missing a lot of important detail.

    To answer your question on whether the modern view of abiogenesis matches up to you intepretation of the Bible, I'd have to say that it doesn't.  Abiogenesis was the formation of very simple life and man would not have developed from it until it had grown much more complex and several billion years had past.  Comparing abiogenesis to a deity breathing life into mud and it becoming man is ultimately ridiculous.

  13. Do you have any proof to back up your claim? No? Ok then I guess abiogenisis is still winning.

  14. Eeeh, we did not come from mud, no evolutionist ever said that.

    Try abiogenisis.

  15. I respectfully think you've satisfied yourself that your belief works for you, but are still laboring under the delusion that others must believe as you do in order for things to work out all right on this rock.

    Are you prepared to say that you know, for a fact, that the god you believe in actually wants everyone to believe what you believe? Isn't that a bit like saying you know what god wants, and therefore are privy to god's thoughts? And isn't that a bit like equating what you think with what god thinks, so that in reality you're putting yourself in god's shoes? And isn't that a bit like thinking that what you think is what everyone else should think? And isn't that like saying that the sound of your voice is greater when lifted in song than the sound of your peers here on earth? And isn't that EXACTLY what got Lucifer tossed out according to your chapters and verses?

    Back off and leave adherents to evolution alone. Agree, respectfully, to disagree instead of continuing to bark at us to get on board with your team.

    It ain't gonna happen.

  16. You're grasping at straws. Every day, scientists dig a bit more of the truth out of the past. Eventually, everyone will know that religion is nothing but pure bronze-age bunkum created by stoned sheep herders who had too much rope to smoke and too much time on their hands.

  17. We are also as grains of sand.

    Genesis 32:12

    For you said, "I will surely treat you well, and make your descendants as the 'sand of the sea'.

    Deuteronomy 29:4

    Yet the Lord has not given you a heart to perceive and eyes to see and ears to hear, to this very day?

    We cannot make those to understand that will not.  

  18. Well, I am a theist, but not a Christian. And I say that there is NO conflict between evolution and creationism because they are two completely different ideas.

    Creation = beginning of the universe

    Evolution = development of life

    One really has nothing to do with the other.  

  19. the bible states the earth is only 2  to 3 thousand years old.LOL.That is ridiculous.

  20. what you said is what most informed intelligent christians believe

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