
Hey you runners out there what do you eat?

by Guest58981  |  earlier

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Am jam packed with training and tired of muesli, rice cakes and same old same old. Got any ideas. What do you eat? My trainer wants me to prepare for a 5k run. Got to get more weight off and enjoy my food. THanks all!!!




  1. Vector cereal is good...

  2. porridge for breakfast, pasta for dinner/tea (it's packed with carbohydrates) (y) good luck for the 5k.

    I'm sure you'll do good :D

  3. a dish of chilli you will sprint 2miles in no time if you need to go

  4. I sometimes eat a muffin for breakfast, but that's probably not very good. I eat a banana for breakfast on race days though, and sometimes just other days too because it's quick and healthy. I eat spaghetti\pasta 1-2X a week for dinner, normally the night before a meet or something along the lines of that.

  5. red grapes.

    I swear by them, and as do other sporty people.. of all ages. I found out through a woman that takes up thai kick-boxing.

    And I sprint, and live off them before and after races. They keep me going. I totally lose my appetite for other things, you don't need all them carbo. things like muesli-but all bran is the only decent cereal if you want a cereal in the morning.

    Carry a banana too just incase you feel like something a little sweeter.

  6. i eat strait up protien powder no mixing. it makes u strong. drink gatorade.

  7. FOOD!

    lol, quaker oats, fruit, jollof rice with chicken, salad and coleslaw x

  8. i went this site (,71...  to try and look some stuff up, and there is just so much stuff to read but it explains how to lose weight by eating right and running ! good luck !! :)

    GoPensGo !!

  9. A couple of points here.

    Why do you need to loose more weight? If you are a runner with a trainer then I think that your body must be athletic, and so I dont understand why you want to loose weight.

    I run and train about 4 times a week and race about once a month - so quite intense really for running for fun. My diet is normal - no different from anyone else. A normal breakfast, lunch with sandwiches or at the canteen and a normal dinner. So long as you follow a healthy diet - veggies, meat and stuff and of course some sort of carbohydrates (potatoes, pasta, rice....) then you will do OK. Also make sure you are well hydrated.

    The week before a race you might want to consider being a bit cautious about food, eat normally untill the night before. The night before lay off the beer a little if you drink (2 pints max), dont eat anything like a curry you havent tried before and sleep well and thats about all there is to eating other than at race day.

    Race day and you have to consider how much the race means - if its important to do well then you will hav eto suffer the same old stuff. Breakfast of porrige, or muesli, milk, juice, or tea to drink. Eat at least an hour before the race.

    Last point - if you have a trainer then ask them for advice as well and you will be able to discuss what you eat now and what you can change.

    Basically though, eat a normal healthy diet and look after your body well

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