
Hey!I'm a foreign student,I want to know are there any shortcut to study English?

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Hey!I'm a foreign student,I want to know are there any shortcut to study English?




  1. Sorry, but in my 15+ years of teaching ESL, I'd have to say, "No."  Some students pick up the language needed to succeed in school very quickly; others have a hard time getting beyond the language needed to go shopping.  

    The only way to get there is to do the work and give yourself chances to experience English as much as possible.

    Best wishes!

  2. Speak English as often as you can with as many English speakers as you can. Practice is the best way to become proficient in anything. Using English online is a good idea for practicing. Your English seems pretty good...the word shortcut should have an "s" at the end, but otherwise, no mistakes. My French or Spanish should be so good!

  3. no we all had to learn it the hard, slow way.

    good luck!!


  4. Practice, practice, practice...oh, wait, that's similar to the first answer. But it's true!  Unless you are some language genius (most of us aren't), you have to use English alot to improve, just like with your native language. Immerse yourself, it's why you're here, right? :)


    * Use English AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE, even when hanging out with friends, even if your friends also speak your native language. Example: If you are from Korea, studying in the U.S., and only have Korean friends and only speak Korean when you are with them, you are wasting your time and money studying in the U.S. because you're not going to get better if you don't try to use English. You can't get strong if you don't exercise, right?

    *Don't be shy & don't be afraid of making mistakes, because you will. Even native English speakers do. Look at George Bush...he makes many mistakes in pronunciation and grammar (and probably spelling) but he still goes on camera!

    *Learn some pop songs; they're short and repeat alot and are usually simple to understand (if there is not much slang).

    *Join any club or group or meet new people, and have fun doing/learning new things. Examples: community colleges and community centers often offer classes like yoga,  painting, dance... and they should not be too expensive.  If you are studying at a high school or college/university, your school should have many clubs you can join. You can also look online for local clubs/groups (like hikers, runners, frisbee golf, etc), but be careful about meeting people from online.

    * Watch tv shows or movies on dvd so you can turn on the English subtitles if you need them, and you can watch one chapter at a time and review it. I would avoid using subtitles in your native language, because then you're not listening to the English much.

    *Read books and short stories and comics/graphic novels.

    *Spend time talking with your host family (if you're staying with one) or roommate (if they speak English).

    *Have fun! :D

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