
Heyy I'm looking for a hair colour to suit my skin and eyes -- pics included -- 10 points avaliable ! ?

by Guest66861  |  earlier

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Well basically I like my natural hair colour but am a bit bored with it. I'm thinking of using a semi-pernament hair colour like loreal casting creme gloss which washes out in 28 washes just to try a new colour :)

Here is a picture of me :

as you can see I have really pale skin and green eyes. I was thinking of going with a dark brown colour -will this wash me out or will it make me look striking unique and make my eyes stand out?? I don't mind looking pale as long as I look attractive and not washed out or ill looking

What do you think- will this suit me?? What other colour will suit me that I could try ?? Will the loreal come out fully and leave me with my natural hair colour again??

Pleasee answer!! An easy 10 points for anyone

any help is appreciated :)




  1. you'd look so cute with Burgundy hair

  2. you could make your hair colour lighter, not much


  3. i love dark brown/black hair with green eyes i think it makes the eyes stand out even more

  4. dark brown would look great, not too dark though as it would wash you out

  5.     Hey if you have some guts and you are only going semi-permanent I'd try like a blue black you have really nice big eyes and they would just pop... they only thing is if you would be able to wear mascara everyday... because you don't want to look to white and it looks like you have thin hair this colour would make your hair look thicker.....      

             My girlfriend did this to her hair and she was a light  blond it was a bit of a shock but man did it ever look good on her and you guys could pass for sisters almost .. so much that i e-mailed your pic to her ( not in the creepy way either )give it a try you might like it and you can always change it if you really don't like it on you.

        Any colour you go let us know and good luck...

  6. Go for a darkr colour.

    You have pale skin & bright eyes, so if you go for a darker colour it will bring out the colour in your eyes, I use that type of dye [loreal] and I'm going lighter as my eyes are darker.

  7. Your very pretty you could probably pull off dark hair or red hair.  If you want to try some hairstyles with your face try

    click on galleries and go from there. Good luck!

  8. I actually think dark browns and blondes could potentially make you appear washed out or tired. Marcia Cross from Desperate Housewives has green eyes, high cheek bones and pale skin just like yours...and nothing is more striking than a red head with pale skin and green eyes, and I honesty think you could pull the look off very well! I also think that your hairstyle should be upgraded as well. The Victoria Beckham bob with a side bang  would look great on you, and would put focus on your beautiful cheekbones. Since you seem to want to make your eyes stand out, I think that some dark brown eyeliner would look good on you too.


  9. I would say red, because you already have the complextion

  10. it suits to be good colour on your hair.. you are looking beautiful in it.

  11. Try a dark chocolate brown, wine or a strawberry blond.


  12. How about a rich Auburn colour...

  13. your skin and eyes would go great as a mild read head maybe with copper/blond highlights

  14. I think don't think you should alter the actual colour, just the shade, and go a bit lighter. Semi - Permanent colours do not always come out the colour on the packet, and usually cannot semi permanently lighten your colour, so you could just add a few highlights, which generally lighten your hair and altogether make it look more natural than dying it completely. I think if you just get some honey blonde permanent highlighting kit or go to a salon and ask for some small streaks throughout your hair it would suit you. But don't go too light!

    Hope this helps, good luck!

    SS33 x

  15. I think some auburn highlights would look great on you... and really bring out your eyes.  Good luck.

  16. I think a very dark chocolate brown would suit you as it will bring out green eyes, like a really dark rich colour, such as hilary duff's new colour -

    If you go black, or too bland a brown colour it will wash you out, but choose rich, dark chocolate tones and it will really compliment your skin!

    OR I think because you have green eyes a deep red/brown colour would suit you too, as red tones always really suit pale complexions, think ashlee simpson, she has a similar complexion to yours. -

    Hope this helps! :)

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