
Heyy guys...i drank beer and i have a sore throat and constant coughing.. what should i do ? please help?

by  |  earlier

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i had sore throat today morning.. but tonight i had o go a party since i had not been to any party since a long time.. i did not take my medicine since i was planning to drink tonight..

i am back home now .. i dont feel alright...but since i drank beer , i am not suppossed to be taking medications..

i can feel my body temperature rising rapidly.. my fever is 1001.5 currently.. i cannot stop throat hurts real bad.. i just drink 3 bottles of beer in the party..

i even have to go to work tommorow.. i have already skipped 3 days of work in this week because of my sore throat

what should i do?? can i take tablets ?? or what is the other alternative? how about Ayurvedic (herbal) medicine ? should that be avoided too?

please help




  1. suck it up

  2. what are you 14? kind of sounds like mono though

  3. 1001.5 oh man I'm talking to a zombie!

    Quit drinking beer.

  4. take 2 spoons of honey and melt it into some hot water. Squeeze one Lemon inot it as well and drink it. Do that every so often and it will ease your throat. Also take some paracetamol, and that should hep you. If you have to take some time off work then your health is important. Stay in bed and get well.

  5. It's not beer u have the flu smart one. put a cool, damp cloth on your head.

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