
Heyy horse Question?

by  |  earlier

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heyy i need to know if there are any western or english horse ranches that r leting people voluntering to help take care of a certain horse that will be yours to ride and stuff so ya plzz help




  1. Uh this usually entails some form of payment - you either must lease someone's horse or something - it's not logical to think that someone's got a horse which likely costs them hundreds of dollars a month to keep that they'll just let you call your own.  

    You will be required to be responsible for it's feed, care, vetting, farrier - everything related to keeping the horse - which means you can't just come out when you feel like it to ride it.

    If you want a horse to just ride when you want to - get to a riding facility and pay by the hour and ride lots of different ones to get experience.  Then look into purchasing or leasing one after that.

    If you have already done this and are ready to embark upon full-time horse responsibilities, expect all of the things I talked about above and be ready to pay to do it.  Also ensure whatever you agree upon with a horse's owner you get a contract in writing - too many things are left to interpretation when there is not a written contract and good friendships are broken because one thinks the other is not adhering to what was agreed upon.

    I suggest checking with your local horse supply stores - TSC, tack shops, etc - ask the people who work there and/or post an inquiry on a posted area - this will get you started.

    Overall - if you're thinking you really want to do this, understand that if you're using another person's horse, the horse needs to be cared for and communicated with in a manner that is consistent with the animals' experience.

    For example - I've given a lot of thought to this and while many people think that leasing their horse out is a viable solution to cut the cost of having the horse, what they don't consider is how easy it is for an in-experienced rider to make small differences in the way they work with the horse that may result in negative behaviors.  Honestly, I haven't heard of many people who come out of such an arrangement totally happy unless they've done a TON of homework, they are present when the person leasing the animal is working with it or they know the prospective leaser very well and know the horse will have a positive experience.

    Without knowing your experience level, your aptitude for responsibility and you attitude and ability to successfully interact with others, it's hard to say whether you will find such a set up as you are seeking successfully.

    But perhaps you will - Good luck!

  2. You could look in the phone book or yellow pages... I can't be more specific without knowing where you live. It's also REALLY uncommon for someone to just say "Hey, I need someone to take complete care of my horse and ride it so I pay for it and they get the benefits". You could try to find a job at a barn as a groom - you take SOME care of MANY horses. You could get a lease...but you should know how to ride first

  3. Not if you only want to take care of the one horse.  Some will trade riding privilages for barn work...but you have to do a lot of work to earn the riding.  Check around.  If you have no experience, you'll have to be trained and that might be something you have to do to prove yourself. If you don't know how to ride, you'd be working for lessons, not riding whenever you'd like.

  4. It would be helpful if we knew where you live.. I know of a horse camp in San Diego called Forrestel and you are assigned a horse that you take care of and ride for 1-2 weeks.
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