
Heyy i have 2 male dogs that keep fighting and we dont know what to do but we cant risk it anymore ,?

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WeLL our male dogs started fighting and we can not get them apart one of them is gettin old now and cant manage with it anymore..Has anybody got any answers to stop them fighting!




  1. How long have you had the dogs? If one dog is new, they will probably sort it out. If you have an old dog he is probably not too anxious to give up his position to a newer, younger dog. But the young dog is just asserting himself, something completely natural.

    Put both dogs on a leash with a choke collar. Its going to take two people to do this, but you need to teach them aggression is unacceptable. Its important to use the choke collars.

    Bring the two dogs together on several occasions on leash. The instant either one of them shows any sign of aggression, growling, barking, whatever, you give a correction. The correction is a quick and firm snap of the leash and a sharp "NO!". After the correction, walk the offending dog away in a circle and then bring him back in contact with the other dog and give him a chance to make the mistake again.

    My guess is you will have to repeat this exercise several times, but it should teach the dogs that being aggressive with each other is not acceptable behavior.

    If they get in a real fight with each other, its helpful to throw water on them. That doesn't hurt them but my experience is it gets the dogs attention and they stop fighting. But you need to do the training I described above to simply teach them you don't accept aggressive behavior from either dog.


  2. As soon as one of the dogs go to attack, pick it up and lock it into the kitchen. Leave it for 10 minutes and let it back in. As soon as it goes to attack again, lock it back in the kitchen. Eventually it will realise they will realise that they shouldn't fight. Try to distract them with toys, give both dogs lots of love and attention and dont leave any out or they will feel replaced and jelous towards the other dog. Dont just scream at them all the time, that won't help.  Btw, How old are they?

    Best of Luck

    Hope I Helped


  3. If your dogs are like mine and are scared of loud noises. Bang a can/bottle full of stones on the floor and shout "leave!". It works with mine and my friends dog when they fight and they're both boys.

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