
Heyy i want some birthday party ideas!?

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hey i m turning 13 this septwmber.......i want some really cool ideas of decorations, games to be played, party theme, food stuff etc........i will celebrate in my home only and max 12 to 13 frnds of mine will be there including 2 to 3 boys so plz i want really marvellous party ,it should be memorable cause i m going teenager!i m going 13!




  1. well you could always just have a fun home party, (maybe have everyone bring a food item?) or buy pizzas and another fun idea is using a large bowl, put a bottle of juice and a bottle of pop together and float some pineapple rings or other fresh fruits in it to make a lovely punch! Maybe put some pretty colorful lights around the bowl to make it light up. Make cute little foods to set on a table such as Triscuit crackers with a slice of pepper jack cheese and a tomato slice on top (always a favorite!). You can even set out a bunch or tortillas for your guests and have all different kinds of stuff to fill them with to make sandwhich wraps (like a Subway sandwhich wrap!) For favors, you could go to Target or even a dollar store. There really is some cute but cheap stuff there!! Have a CD player playing high-energy music, decorate with streamers and cute lights. You can also have activities, maybe a craft like decorating picture frames with sea shells or other things (found at the Dollar Tree!) Play fun party games, here's one: Wrap a cute inexpensive gift a bunch of times with wrapping paper. Have all of your guests sit around in a circle and have a timer set for 15 seconds. Start by setting the timer and start passing the prize around. When the timer stops, whoever has the prize will unwrap a layer. Keep going until the last layer is unwrapped, and whoever reveals the prize wins!!

    Hope I've helped!! Hope it's a great party too!

  2. Well, i had a party and everyone LOVED it! my theme was a dance party and we threw a little bit of pool time in there. ppl are still talking about it! if you don't like that idea i will throw out a few more. if you want something funky, go for a luau party or if you want something cool ( no pun intended) go for and ice skating party!

  3. It depends what the kids like. Something both girls and boys like, maybe a TV show like spongebob, you can get lots of great party ideas at Birthday, hope I helped!

  4. I found this blog, it might give your a few ideas.

    My daughter was turning 13 so we wanted to throw her a big party. Problem was I was ill at the time so we had to have the party at home. We decided we had room to accomodate about 25 guests in our home so invited 30 under the impression that not all turn up. We sent disco invitations out about a month before the big day. We also found disco cut outs in strong plastic from Woolworths for a pound or two - an absolute bargain and ideal to hang around the main party room - in our case it was the lounge. There were also matching tablecovers,napkins,centrepieces etc all with the disco theme. We sectioned off a little area at the bottom of our stairs and pinned one of the disco cut outs up there and printed off clip atr pics from the Internet such as cameras, models and the words, 'Photo Shoot'. The guests would have their photos taken here as they arrived with the birthday girl. They could then take them home as a souvenir and the birthday girl would also have some lovely reminders of her friends at that time.  The party started at 7pm and after the guests had arrived and had their photos taken, they were able to go into the lounge and kitchen and mingle until the others arrived. We had current pop music fairly loud at this point and a disco ball on in the lounge with the lights dimmed. The first organised game we had was to get the guests in a circle and in time to music, pass a balloon round under their necks. If the music stopped on them they had to burst the balloon and inside they would find either a truth or dare written on a paper note. They were things like 'If you had to have 1 dinner date with a teacher which one would it be?' and ' make up an impromptu rap about the person to your right'. This was a good ice breaker. For prizes for this I had bought either sweets and some Nike sweatbands that I got a job lot of from Ebay which went down amazingly well! After some dancing time we had another game which had different celebrites faces cut out and put in an envelope (I per envelope) and 1 person had to come to the front and 'be' that celeb while people asked them questions to guess who they were. They could answer yes or no only. Again there were the same sorts of prizes for that. After a little more time dancing it was food time. I had just done some traditional party food. We had a cake in the shape of a record disc that I had made myself.  After a final spot of dancing and a quick performance by some guests who had made up their own dance to one of the songs it was Award Time. I had found 6 plastic trophies on Ebay and made up an award for each such as;  - Most entertaining guest - Most fanciable guest - Most fashionable boy - Most fashionable girl - Best hairstyle on a boy - Best hairstyle on a girl  Each of these had a certificate to accompany them and winners could take these all home. My daughter chose 2 of her friends to judge these categories with her but they were of course immune from the votes!  As the party ended (after about 3 hours) we put the lights on but kept the music going as guests were leaving. Guests took home a slice of Birthday cake and their photo of them with the birthday girl.  My daughter had many comments after this party about how much her friends had enjoyed it.  We held the party from 7pm till 10pm.

  5. oh cool! i'm turning 13 this sep ok, why not try a themed part or a funky teenage bash. that's what i'm thinking. try having loads of fun decorations (not girly ones!) hire a DJ to play some of the new hot groovy tracks and a little home disco. yh, that sounds fun! try the classic game of passing a pillow and stop wen the music stops, or u can play musical statues/musical chairs. sorry i don't know many games!

    hope this helped! hav fun! {*_*}


  6. I think a  pre halloween party would be cool with a ouija board and scary movies maybe a fortune teller and some tarot cards.

  7. Maybe you can play twister or truth or dare...and then a bit of dancing would be nice 2 !I did that for my 13th party =] just simple but the guests loved it , you don't have to organize something extra special to be a nice party just use your mind, be creative and hopefully you will have a gr8 result !

    enjoy it 2 the fullest =]

    good luck

  8. well. i think big booty is fun. or concentration. put some music on. twister. pool party.

    just don't try to plan the perfect party cause it will never work. just go with the flow and enjoy it!

  9. I'm having my birthday party soon, too. I'm about the same age as you. I'm having a pool party. I'm getting some Hawaiian luau decorations. I'm just going to have a table out with food so everybody can eat whatever they want, haha. We're going to be in the pool & playing some games like Tug of War, Hoola-Hoop contest, Limbo, Egg Toss, Man Hunt, 3 Legged Race..stuff like that. It's going to be late into the night, going in the pool in the dark is always fun(: And I'm gonna be playing louddd music (everybody's favorite songs and stuff lol) I'm probably gonna have a fire in the fire pit too and make smores or somethinggg. I'm having a sleepover but you don't have to.

    If it's going to be during the day, maybe you guys could go somewhere (if you don't really have a budget) like the amusement park for a day..the mall..water park..or whatever you can think of. Then maybe you can come back to your house & have a pool party or whatever. If you don't want to go anywhere, maybe you can just stay in your home, play games, with music & a barbecue or something. hope I helped! (:

  10. you could do a pool party and have a barbeque. chips & salsa

    a laid back theme. get good music outback, slip & slide, anything that floats your boat. water balloon fights, get a ton of balloons, and so on.

  11. Hair! Oriya h r u think u fine. By the grace of god. i read Ur   message it so Fawne i think u will join in the part think so. my name is Michael my no:9951595629, my birth is there in next month day is 30*08 OK

                                            my hobs is that 2 do dance&playing the hockey.

               ok then Buy Buy See U  takecare of u r health.




  12. strippers and booze... that never fails to make a party great. jk.

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