
Heyy im writing a poem for my gf i just need some help ending it?

by  |  earlier

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this is what i have so far but i want it to be kinda funny but romantic at the same time bcuz thats what shes into so this is what i have so far

i met you online

and i thought u were kinda fine

you would tell me stupid things

why idk? maybe ur were kinda slow

but either way it made my heart melt like snow

then we started hangin out by the park

were the bums took a little nappy

but as long as i was with you i was happy

even tho u always thought u looked crappy

if u have any question that will help u help me ending this poem just ask




  1. you make me smile when my day is going bad

    you called me last night and told me i was really rad

    LOL im so stupid i dont kno

  2. Though you always looked beautiful to me

    i hope in my arms you will always be.

  3. I hope this poem isnt too sappy.

    ..........rhyming limits ur possibilities, but try the line i gave u

  4. Even though I may have met you online

    When I saw you I knew you had to be mine

    Everytime we spoke the more I wanted to know

    Everytime you smiled my heart melted like snow

    Sometimes we would go and hang out in the park

    I once dreamed us sitting there waiting until dark

    All lined around the trees were hobos taking a nap

    And I'd get so lost in your eyes I'd soon need a map

    I like how you're talkative and always ever so yappy

    Because as long as I am with you I am forever happy

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