
Hho generators, how to do the o2 sensers?

by Guest57596  |  earlier

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i want to build a hho generator for my truck, how do i fool the o2 sensers so mytruck dosn't use more gas?




  1. Are you serious?

    HHO generators don't really work!

    They are a hoax!

    It takes MORE enegery to produce the Hydrogen then the Hyrdogen gives back to the system, hence, it DOESN'T do anything for the car!

    Come on people!

    Why not install a Flux Capacitor while you're at it?

  2. HHO generators are the single biggest scam on the market. They should be called "Ho Ho Ho" generators.

  3. The quickest way would probably be to buy an enhancer on the web already built, which would also adjust the Maf or Map sensor.  And for those unbelievers, don't knock it till you've tried it. It gave me 9 more mile to the gallon from 16 mpg to 25 mpg. that's nothing to sneeze at.

                                          HHO ROCKS

  4. whats an HHO generator? Been a tech for over 30 + years worked on alltypes of engines from piston engines to gas turbine ,now work on hydro turbines. never herd of HHO.Fooling the O2s is doing what? If a h

    ho thing is so good why didn't the mnufacturer of the car install it???

  5.   They are not a point yet where they deliver enough fuel to make it worth it. I hope we see something in the next few years that allows us to generate more hydrogen than energy it costs to produce it. But right now they are about as good at saving fuel as the "Tornado". Dont waste your money.

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