
Hi, I'm 12dpo bbt steady for last 10 days at 98.?

by  |  earlier

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I never get crampy until AF has started but I've been crampy for the last couple of days and my b*****s are a bit tender. My bbt's are too high for me to start AF. I took HPT with sensitivity of 25mui. on 8/15 and got BFN. I've got 2 kids and never had implant cramping. Could I be having them now? My old family Dr. told me to wait until Friday to test again, but the cramping has me really wondering what's going on with me. Please advise. Thank you




  1. You might want to consider putting a new battery in your thermometer. Usually even when we take our temps at the exact same time of day in the exact same way with the exact same sleeping conditions, there will still be some sort of minor shift of at least .10. Since its just stayed the exact same for 10days, I would be wary of your thermometer battery being low.

    Now. In terms of the cramping and the b***s being sore, I'd say those are both very promising signs if you don't normally get that before AF. What are you pre-O temps?

    I'd say to switch out the battery tonight, temp again in the morning. If still high on Sunday and still no AF, take another HTP. Here's hoping for a BFP for ya!!!

  2. Sounds like all the signs are there, test again with first morning urine, and look very closely if there is even the FAINTEST line it is positive. You can have implantation cramping even though you have never had it before. Each one of my (3)  pregnancies had different symptoms and my 3 boys all have very unique personalities!! Here's hoping you are preggers.!

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