
Hi, I'm desperate. How I can organize my time and priorities? I´ve tried a lot of things with no results. Help

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I really need some advice. I´ve a lot of responsabilities at Home, Work, Family, Friends and others. My time is never enough. And I´m always in a rush. Please help me, your comments will be very useful.




  1. The life hack site has a bunch of good information.  Of course, you have to find the time to read and implement!  I'd be lying if I said I had tried any of them.

    Of course, as we both are doing, spending time on answers isn't exactly productive either!

  2. Smead Organomics has an article on Time Management.  They talk about cutting out things that "time wasters" so you have more time to focus on important things like family, friends and work.  

    They also stress the importance of "effective" vs "efficient" and how they use your time differently.  I highly suggest taking a look.

    Good luck!

  3. I can sort out the first priority, unless you have a very,very important job.


  4. It sounds like you need to prioritize your time.  You need to make a list of things you need to get done.  You also need to make a list of things you want to get done.

    "Need to get done" are things you may not want to do, but have to be done.  Examples: laundry, put gas in car, go to and be at work, feed the kids, etc...

    "Want to get done" are things that don't need to get done, but are usually fun.  Examples: Play basketball for 2 hours at the park, talk on the phone(for pleasure), surf the internet, watch movies or TV.

    The "Need to do's" produce results and "Want to do's" don't.  If more time is spent on the "want to do's", then LESS of the "have to do's" get done.

    The reason why, you are probably rushing is because you have no plan.  You have to decide what is important and what is not.  In other words, you have to prioritize your time, and start saying "no" to the things that are wasting your time.

    Start your day with "need to do's" that produce results you can actually see, and at the end of the day when you look back you will feel like you accomplished something.

    Take a time management course, at "Dale Carnegie" or some other training organization.

    Hire a "personal coach", they are worth the money and will keep your schedule moving.  They will hold you to your word, when you say you are going to get something done.

    Best Of Luck

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