
Hi, I'm going to go to Milan on march, can I find hashish in Milan easily? if yes how & where?

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Hi, I'm going to go to Milan on march, can I find hashish in Milan easily? if yes how & where?




  1. then go to jamaica... you're not worth our city!

  2. i'm can find hashish everywhere....but you mast go in south of italy!!!!in north is difficult....there are many police!!!

  3. i'm italian..

    you can find hasish easily, but you have to meet a drug dealer, and this is quite hard.

    try to ask to some guys you see, maybe with dreadlocks etc...

    and pay attention to those men dressed in blue with a strange hat (policemen! :D)...

    you can say "fumo" or "hashish" for hash...

    and police here in italyis called "polizia", "carabinieri" have to avoid "guardia di finanza", too.

    good luck!

  4. these are good places I know of:

    via Cordusio, 4

    Piazza S.Ambrogio,5

    via Montebello, 26

    via Cordusio, 4

    via Fatebenefratelli, 11

  5. you're going to Milan and the only thing you care about is where to find hashish?? oh my god....!

    anyway, you find it everywhere, in every disco, in front of central station, go to a park in the evening....but I hope the police will get you!!

  6. Hi

    I hope you find lots of hash and either od on it or get caught by the Carabinieri who will kick your butt.

    Either one is fine with me.

  7. My mom is from Milan... IDK why would you want hash

  8. I'm are really disgusting and if you came in italy just to find can stay home!!!Milan is a beaoutiful city...but you are not a nice person,are you???bye bye...

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