
Hi, I'm gonna start home schooling next year, and I need some opinions from other teenagers doing it.?

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  1. im home schooled at the moment, only until next year and its fun but i miss my friends from school. :(

    Good stuff about it: You have more time doing other stuff...You can plan out your day so you dont have to do everything at the sametime. You have time to do other stuff, LIKE sports,languages,art whatever you would  like. You can have breaks at any time. You feel more relaxed...your day is more spread out.


    Bad stuff about it: You dont get to be with your friends, sometimes you get lonely. You become addicted TO THE COMPUTER CAUSE ITS THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN CONTACT YOUR FRIENDS (msn,yahoo msg, facebook, ect..)

    Im doing online home schooling though...its fun..sort of...

    oh and for math...i do this fun thing called mathletics.

    theres the link (:

    check it out sometime.

    its fun!!!! and makes you want to do MATH FOR HOURS!!!!



  2. well, i'm not homeschooling, but i would like to be. School is just a place full of bad-influence people and freaking prep kids. You'll be much better home, and still have time for your friends. I'll give you a star so maybe others see your question and help, coz you haven't got an answers yet..

  3. My friend was home schooled once

    Pro's: your ahead of the classs don't have to wait

    Cons:alone kinda boring

  4. If you get bad grades in public school and dont work hard there it is definitly not for you.  It takes dedication and strong minded people.  Its hard work, and very frustrating to teach yourself, and you actually have to learn everything, there is no cheating as there are no other students.  Your friends might not understand and could eventually ignore you or contact you less because they think you come from diffferent worlds.  If you dont live in an area where there are many other home-schoolers you can also expect backlash from your community and I say this because parents are going to be pissed off if their kids start saying they want to do it and stay home because they THINK that its fun and you can sit around all day  and do nothing so sometimes you can be looked at as a bad influence. Its not as easy to do as people try to make it out to be.  I just really have to stress that if you cant do the work teachers give you in public school then its going to be hard for you.

  5. I have a friend who is home schooled and he loves it because it gives him more time to play on sports teams and stuff.

  6. I am 13 and am Home schooled part time. But I was Home schooled full time though 1-4.

    I really like going to school part time. I go to a school were every buddy goes part time and its really a public school.

  7. its sure fun! andplus, you dont have to look great going to school like you do at public schools.

    And you can work when ever you want.

  8. I love it, it's so much fun, you get to stay home which can be a draw back for some parents who think there kid won't be social but I think it's really nice and should be done more. Kids in high school are way to much hyped on drugs and care about other things than they are suppose to, I think I learned more and now I'm going to Princeton next fall! Defiantly glad I did it. :]

  9. Read the book Real Lives.  It will tell you about eleven teens who don't go to school.  Be well.

  10. My teenager is homeschooled but she doesn't have a break to play on the computer this afternoon. What type of opinions would you like? I can tell you that she has a great group of friends and does really well at the public school classes she attends at the local High School.

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