
Hi, I'm healthy 24 year old & I wonder if you can have a period & be pregnant??

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I had s*x with my fiance days before ovulating & I've just had a late short (3 day period). Do you think I could be pregnant? I'm scared to do the test as I'm not sure my partner is ready for children yet from previous hints I've dropped.. Help!




  1. If that is short for you, then it might have been implantation bleeding rather than a period? I had a "late, short period" and my dr says it was not a period at all-I am normally 8 days and this was 3 days, very light and pale pink.  So yes, I think you could be pregnant, assuming you did not use contraception? Good luck, I hope you get the answer you want. (Although you need to wait 2 weeks from when you think you conceived to take a test) x

  2. I have heard of women having their period all though their pregnancy. I would go take a test and take it from there. It never hurts to take a hpt to find out.  

  3. yes, its possible. go take a test, specially if thats not how your usual periods are

  4. No, you cannot have periods whilst pregnant.

    Biologically speaking, in the second half of your monthly cycle (after ovulation) the progesterone levels start to rise and keep rising.

    If conception DOES NOT occur, the progesterone levels drop sharply and suddenly causing the uterine lining (the endometrium, which is a mixture of blood and tissue) to be shed - your period.

    When you conceive the progesterone levels stay high and keep rising, causing the uterus to retain it's lining and for the lining to keep getting thicker.

    So you can see why it's impossible to keep having normal, regular periods and be pregnant.

    However, CERVICAL bleeding is not uncommon in pregnancy and is often confused with a period, but this is NOT endometrial tissue being shed.  

    Endometrial tissue has a texture and smell that is unique - it is not like fresh blood.

    The cervix becomes engorged after conception and occasionally the pressure of the pregnancy, or a rise in blood pressure, or a bit of trauma to the cervix (such as s*x or a pap smear test) can cause minor blood vessel breakage and some blood can come away - this can be a few spots or something that looks like more but isn't actually all that much.  

    Bleeding for 3 days in the bigger scheme of things isn't what a lot of women would call a "short" period, it's quite normal.  

    It is highly unlikely you are pregnant but the only way you will know is to take a test.

  5. you can have spotting and be pregnant  

  6. It happened to me, my period came right when it should, it was real light and short but it was there, I tested and it was positve.

    Ready or not, if your pregnant he better get ready.

  7. you can have spotting, but it's not techniclly a period.

  8. I have heard that it is common for some women to have a period though out their pregnancies, once a month, and sometimes it clears up sometime during the pregnancy.  I think it's ok though, as in, it doesn't hurt the baby.  For most women, their cycle stops.  Most likely you only had a three day period because you're more stressed?  The only way to know for sure is to take the test.  I hope this helps.

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