
Hi, I am a retired railwayman and would like to know how I can get hold of an Indian Railways tie.?

by  |  earlier

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I have been to india many times but there does not seem to be such an enthusiasm about the railways in India as there is in the UK, I have been wanting an Indian Railways duty tie for some time now but seem unable to aquire one, I have had many promises but they all came to nothing, I would be quite happy to swap for a British Rail duty tie, I have tried on e-bay India but there is nothing on 'railwayana' as we call it where as here there are usually several thousand items, thanks to all in advance for the valuable answers.




  1. try going on Ebay or Craigs list to find....Ebay is more world wide search Craigs list lets ya find things closer to your home if they are out there...also check with your local hobby stores and see if they know of any up and comeing train merobila and collector shows/auctions comeing up....these are just a few ways to suggest...good luck

  2. I cannot better the first two answeres  

  3. Have you tried the bottom of this page----click on India and ask your ??

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