
Hi, I am from India. And i have to be at Germany for a While. Can anyone tell me about life in Germany?

by Guest63270  |  earlier

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I recently got selected for doing my PHD in Germany, Till date i was just preparing for getting things done, and now i have a strange feeling. I have no clue how life in Germany could be? How prepared i can be? It would be really great if someone could tell me somthing about the cost of living, transportation facilities, education, lifestyle, food, Part-time jobs, etc.




  1. hi i'm was born here but my parents are from india do you want to be friends

  2. Hey, I lived in a medium sized city in Germany, near Dortmund, so these are my experiences. Other places will be a little different, but basically the same.

    Transportation -- there are busses, trains, in bigger cities also an underground and trams. Education, I only know about high school education. Food is pretty American. There's McDonald's, there's Mexican, there's Chinese,  there's a lot of potatos and meat and bread. Breakfast is usually an open sandwich with meat and cheese. There's nutella (yum yum). There's a lot of beer.

    Culture is relatively American. I don't know what I can compare it to for you, but it's Western Europe. Try searching online for a guide to Germany -- or for what city you'll be in, they're all very different. Northern Germany is colder, Southern Germany is friendlier (from what I've experienced). There's a lot of differences throughout the country.

    I wish you the best! If you have any more questions, feel free to contact me. :-)

  3. I'm native german :)

    It greatly depends on the place you are going to. If you will study in a big city like Berlin, life will be completely different then living in a little vllage in Bavaria.

    In general, as bigger the city, as easier to "blend in". Don't worry, see it as a chance!

    Living again depends totally on the place, living in Munich for example is very expensive, living in Berlin or Saxony is very payable though. Foodprices are high, taxes are too. The public transportsystem is excellent throughout germany but especially in bigger cities. Part-Time jobs are possible to get if you have the right qualifications and show independence and strong will. If you are in the right places, the nightlife is great and colorful! Germany became very multicultural in the last 30 years. Turkish, Arabian, Russian & also Indian immigrants live in all bigger cities.

    Good luck!

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