
Hi, I have a 2 yr old daughter who ?

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wants a sibbling. I am 17 years old (judge me idgaf) I am better than half those teenage moms out there I work for my money and I am still in school anyway my daughter wants a sibbling but everytime I tell her not now she bustes a HUGE tantrum and will cry for hours and hours and make a BIG scene. My neighbor even came to my house and asked me if my daughter was OK. How can I tell my 2 yr old that I can't grant her that wish. She is use to getting everything she wants any tips on how to let her down easy other than saying no? Please she keeps tugging on my shirt asking me to give her a sister. I don't know what to do and her father only gets her hopes up by saying Yes she will be getting a sister soon. PLEASE I need help!




  1. start having playdates with other kids maybe that will get her mind off waning a sibling

  2. Tell her no and that is that. She will grow out of it. She's 2. Let her scream and cry all she wants. Ignore her. She will stop when she realizes she is not getting attention.

  3. Well, you are going to have to tell her that now is not the time and leave it at that. Then you are going to have to stop spoiling her. She can't have everything she wants..that's a lesson that she'll need to learn now, instead of much later in life.  

  4. Tell her no.  Ignore her if she throws a tantrum.  If that doesn't work, take something away every time she throws a tantrum.

  5. I agree with having play dates, i was not as young as you when i had my daughter but i do remember she wanted a sibling at about that age.  She is 8 now and still does not have any siblings.

    Children are funny, sometimes ignoring the child words and smiling back will be enough.  Sometimes making a fuss over a comment can make it worse.

    At 2 she does not realise what a sibbling means or what it entitles, she is most likely seeking attention from another child.  Bring your daughter to the park on a regular basis and meet up with a mom and schedule weekly play dates.

  6. give her another opion like a small pet or something so she can fell closer to instead of a sister or brother

  7. I was 17 when I had my daughter and I waited til I finished my degree to have more kids and they are all 4 yrs. apart and get a long fine, so I say just tell her mommy has to finish school first . I would also try to buy her baby dolls with all the trimmings..ex: clothes , diapers , bottles so she can be a lil' mommy that might help! Good luck! and as far as the spoiling well if her dad wants to buy everything at least let her do some chores like wiping dust off things or picking up the clutter my daughter used to love moping, it's just pushing a long stick with water on it! just give her some ways to help out around the family home, that way your kinda making her earn her stuff!

  8. The fact that she "gets everything she wants" is the main problem.  If this is the only thing you've ever said "no" to her about, how else is she suppose to react?  Just stick to your guns.  She's two, she doesn't need much more explanation nor would she really comprehend it.  You also need to talk to the father.  You two need to be on common ground or it will only confuse your daughter more.

    Other than that, start getting involved in more play dates.  She probably longs for interaction with other children her age, not necessarily a sibling.

  9. You have to use positive reinforcement. If you do not acknowledge the tantrum then she will realize that she won't get her way. You should tell her father to stfu because one kid is enough at 17.  

  10. the only thing you can do is talk to her and tell her this is something that is a tough decision and its not hat easy to recieve..tell her maybe in time but not the meantime maybe send her to daycare or maybe hangout with other moms on playdates...that way she can interact with other children. it seems as though she is lonely is all.. im sure it will blow over and she will be satisfied after awhile with just playing with other kids her age.  

  11. playmates... that's all I can tell you. I have two kids, one 2 years old and another 6 months old, and to help my son occupy and teach him how to share, I take him to my friends house to play with her kids. I spend some time gossiping with my friend and our sons play together. so we all win.

    to deal with the tantrum... yell with her and not at her. make it like a playful thing. When my 2 year old starts his little tantrums, i just yell with him and he starts laughing and playing.

    you should also keep telling her that it's not the right time. just keep telling her that. there's really nothing else you can say. and hey, get a doll that's really baby like and tell her that it's HER baby and that she needs to take care of it. know what i mean?

    if she keeps crying then put her on time out. keep her face in the corner and until she quiets down or learns to keep her face (eyes, nose, mouth, forehead, and whatever else is on a face) faced to the wall, then she can go around the house and do whatever she wants.

    I spoil my kids too but they know their limits. remember you're boss. Until the time when she needs to support you comes, you're boss.

    anyway, i have a lot more things to keep your daughter from having a tantrum but too much to type on here... just email me if you need more advice...

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