
Hi, I have a cockroach problem, what can I do?

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I heard Borax was a good way to deal with them, but since I have limited access to Borax products in general, where can I find Borax?Also, I have a cat and children.




  1. buy Ortho Home Defense at Lowes. I love this bottle due to the single action pump sparyer.

    You can buy refill at UKILL store if you want.

    Spray the baseboards...under the fridge and stove.

    Clean dishes every night..or leave them in soapy water.

    throw away bags from grocery store.

    If they are small, they are German..that is bad. They reproduce quickly. Clean up clutter and food. Seal zip lock baggies.

    If you are in Texas or Florida..might be HUGE Asian. They are outdoor bugs...just flew in.  Clean up yard waste,. They are attracted to light..and white walls and can fly 150 feet.

    If they seem to fly at you they are not..attacking you..just flying.

    Scary nonetheless.

    Keep Vinegar or hair spray...and get any you see.. it is not too bad to spary in food areas.  That will stop them until you smash them. Or get the bug spray. Clean up dead ones. The spary may not stop them cold..just spray good..and they will die..somewhere.

    I like a stand up dustpan..but I'm phobic.

    Good luck.

    Spray outside the house...and inside. Respray everytime you mop.

    Spray where you see them.

    This formula is so mild you can spray clothes..until the are wet and wear them..after they dry (to repel mosquito's).

    I'm no expert. I hate bugs.

    The poster above has German bugs.

    MaxForce similar.

    With can leave the dead ones...because the live ones will eat them and die.

    Cover your toothbrushes..and nuke your sponge in the microwave and store them there overnight. Gross.

  2. don't panic. just listen..  no need to call the exterminators. no need to get Borax. i use a product called Combat Killing Gel. i found it at Walmart. Its a small box containing a needle like plunger thing. Follow the directions. After 8 days do it again to kill the babies that have hatched (they hatch after 7 days). You will be rid of your nasty little problem. Trust me on this. I have been roach free for going on 11 years using this stuff every 6 months.  

  3. I agree with Chuck.  I am not sure if you are in the UK or US but that roach gel is what the professionals use!  I moved into an apartment that was roach central.  Thousands and I am not exaggerating!!!  The exterminator came out several times a week and he used this gel and the roaches were GONE!

    There are several brands out there.  The Combat Gold was great, that was what we used but if I am sure there are other brands out there just as good.  He put them behind the everything in the kitchen, IE: Fridge cabinets top and bottom, appliances, under the sink, baseboards, anywhere that a roach could hide.  If you have carpets go around the edge of the carpets with it.  

    You have a cat and kids.  Borax is great for fleas but past experiance if you have a stupid cat like my old one was he will eat the borax and that could kill it.  Borax dehydrates horribly and that is what kills fleas and roaches.  Safe bet would be to go for the gel.  

    Another thing.  Roaches dislike cold.  If you have ac turn it up.  They love warm tropical temps.  They also love rotting food and crumbs so make sure everything is clean spotless.  Bathroom and kitchen.  You may want to put toothbrushes and paste into something roach proof until they are gone.  Scrub scrub scrub!!  Make the only thing appealing for them to eat is the gel.  It takes a little while but in no time flat if you do the gel you will see fewer and fewer roaches.  I think it took a good month until I saw no more.  Make sure with the cat and child you do NOT put the gel down in their reach and clean (sweep vaccum) any and all dead ones.  Once your infestation is gone always apply fresh gel at least once a month.  You never know what may be hatching in the attic!   Also if you see egg sacs get rid of them!!  I squashed literally hundreds of them before flushing them.  They used the popcorn ceiling to conceal the casings!!  Weird!

    Good luck x*x

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