
Hi, I have made an invoice for a freelance web design job, can you please tell me if it is missing anything?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, I recently finished a web design job and needed to make an invoice for the work. I haven't made one before and I am just wondering if there is anything missing from it.

Here is a low-res image of it. There are lines on the central-box too, but they are too faint to make out on the image.




  1. hard to tell from the image but the date looks like it just says Tuesday, August 2008.  Need to list an actual date.

    basically a company needs an invoice with the following info:

    your name (or co. name) & address

    invoice number and date

    your customer's name & address

    descripton of what the invoice is for

    payment terms

    personally, I wouldn't list my bank account # on the invoice.  Too much risk in someone using this info for purposes other than sending you money (ie: taking money from your acct)

  2. Hi,

    I cant reallty see the writing, but as long as you have the following you are fine

    -Date of invoice

    -Invoice number for yours and their reference

    -Their full address

    -Description of goods


    -vat needs to be split down between Net amount and VAT (if applicable)with the gross amount at the bottom.

    -your VAT number, again if applicable

    -Your address

    -Your bank details (in case the customer sends a bank transfer) this should include your bank, the account number, IBAN, BIC etc.

    Also I really like to see an email address, aswell as a phone number ,when receiving invoices. If there is ever any queries, its a quick and effective way to resolve manners.

  3. It looks from your question that you're the professional here, the designer of the web.  This being a professional service to a particular customer, only you would know if it has everything the design specs required.

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