
Hi, I learned about Emmett Till today, why isn't this talked about more?

by Guest66314  |  earlier

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Im a freshman in high school and I am just wondering why this just came to my attention. Shouldn't we know about him? If you have any imput or anything else to say that would be good. I saw a video about him and the rough photos also. =[




  1. That's one of those things you learn as you go.  There are more coming.  But I know what you mean--how come I didn't know that before?  I know the feeling.  That was a tragic incident indeed.

  2. Part of it is that you ARE a freshman, and a lot of people have a problem presenting such rough topics to younger kids.  You will hear more of this type of thing now that you are older.

  3. ya i learned about him 2 years ago and i also learned a lot about racism, discirmination, and the movement for equality. The fact is that people want to say that never happened, they want to believe that america was always a civil and perfectly good place. America is alot better today about equality, but dont everlet anyone tell you that there isn't racism in america or for that fact that their isn't racism in you town because there is, i garintee it. Some of the same things that were happenig back in the 50 are still happening now in the south. There are many places in the deap south that still treat afriacan americans like trash.

    Your question is a good one and should be asked more often we need more people like you, to ask these quetions,to wake up the world again. dont be satisfied by what i or others say here go out and do more research you self, trust me if your intrested, it is defenately worth your time.

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